Science International Forum (SIF), Kuwait in association with Unimoni Exchange Kuwait announced the prestigious Annual Science Gala for the year 2019-2020. The event is scheduled to be held on 22nd August, 2020 at 10.00 am on virtual platform taking into consideration the present COVID 19 situation.

The chief guest for the event will be Dr. Ashutosh Sharma, Hon’ble Secretary, Department of Science & Technology, Govt of India. Other eminences from India and Kuwait are expected to attend the online function.

The winners and outstanding performers of Sastra Prathibha Contest 2019-20 and Kuwait Children’s Science Congress 2019 will be honoured at the function. The prestigious ‘Acharya J. C. Bose Sastra Puraskar’ for the best performing school will be awarded to Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Kuwait at the function. More than 6000 students from 20 Indian schools in Kuwait participated in the Sastra Prathibha Contest this year.

SIF-Kuwait, a voluntary non-profit organization, and an extension of Vijnana Bharati (the largest science movement in India headed by Dr.Vijay Bhatkar); is working among Indian students and professionals in Kuwait since 2014.

SIF- Annual Science Gala, is the a felicitation ceremony for winners and top scorers of our various science-based activities namely Sastra Prathibha Contest (Middle East countries version of Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan jointly organised by Vijnana Bharati, Vigyan Prasar (GoI), NCERT) and Kuwait Children’s Science Congress (Kuwait version of National Children’s Science Congress of NCSTC GoI).

It provides experience, appreciation, motivation and knowledge for student community in Kuwait. It has proved to be the life time opportunity for students, parents and teachers in Kuwait to listen to the top academic and scientific brains of the time.

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