Writers’ Forum Kuwait organized an event to celebrate Republic day of India and launch of their book: Navratna.  Mrs. Nazneen Ali, General Secretary of the Forum inaugurated the event with the welcome speech stressing importance of the organization as it provides a platform for Indian writers and poets. She further praised the book ‘Navratna’ which was to be launched and said that it is a multilingual book which would be appreciated by literature lovers.

H.E. Mr. K. Jeeva Sagar, the Ambassador of India was the Chief Guest of the evening along and Mrs. Chayya Athavale, the Forum’s Vice President and Hindi, Gujarati & Marathi Writer and poet presided over the events.

The event started with the lighting of the lamp by H.E. Mr. K. Jeeva Sagar, and Forum’s representative Mrs. Maimuna Ali Chougle (President), Mrs. Chayya Athavale (Vice President), Mrs. Nazneen Ali (General Secretary) and Mr. Ravin Singh (Joint Secretary) this was followed by singing of the national anthems of Kuwait and India.

H.E. Mr. K. Jeeva Sagar presented Memento to Mrs. Maimuna Ali Chougle (Former President) and Mr. Sunil Sonsi (General Secretary) for their dedication and services to the Forum.

Later, Mrs. Maimuna Chougle, expressed her gratitude to H.E. Mr. K. Jeeva Sagar for attending the event. She spoke about the importance of books in a technologically advancing world and congratulated the authors of “ Navratna” Her speech was followed by launch of the book by H.E., The Ambassador of India. In his speech H.E. Mr. K. Jeeva Sagar, said that Poets and Writers are born, not made he acknowledged them by remarking that their pens can bring revolutions.

The second session of the event included recitation of couplets by Veteran Urdu Poet Mr. Sayeed Nazar Kadpawi and Poetess Mrs. Madhulika Mohta.  Following them, 24 poets recited poetry in nine different languages.

Among the reciters were Sunil Sonsi, Ravin Singh, Aamir Diwan, Mrs. Priyanka Baranwal, Mrs. Nazneen Ali, Dr. (Mrs.) Radhika Guleri Bhardwaj, Mrs. Parul Chaturvedi, Mrs. Anupama Chaturvedi and Mrs. Kavita Sarvesh (Hindi), Mrs. Kalpana Shah and Mrs. Chayya Thakkar (Gujarati), Ameeruddin Ameer (Kannada), Mrs. Sabiha Bilgrami and Mrs. Madhulika Mohta, Pawan Pankaz, Tushar Misra (Oriya), Mrs. Pallavi Nithin and Mrs. Chayya Athavale (Marathi), Mrs. Preeti Rajgolikar (Sanskrit) and Ibrahim Sange Qasid, Sabir Omer, S. Qamar Minto, Sayeed Nazar and Mrs. Maimuna Chougle (Urdu).

Towards the end, Mrs. Chayya Athavale congratulated all the members for their creativity.

The event concluded with the vote of thanks by Mr. Sunil Sonsi, special thanks to H.E. the Ambassador of India and the Indian Embassy for their continued support to the Forum. He also acknowledged the sponsors of the event and also expressed his gratitude to the audience for their participation and appreciation.




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