Pakistan Women’s Forum organized “Meet & Greet Eve” at Pakistan House to Welcome New Pakistani Female Doctors, Nurses & Para-medical staff in Kuwait on 16 September, 2021 in cooperation with Embassy of Pakistan.

In her opening remarks, President PWF, Ms. Hina Saleem welcomed all invitees, guest & members of PWF and extended a special vote of thanks to Ms. Ambreen Mustafa, Wife of Ambassador of Pakistan, Kuwait (Patron-in-Chief PWF ) for gracing the event. The event was then carried forward by Ms. Sabiha Obaid Araien (Honorary Advisory PWF), who greeted Pakistani medical staff and appreciated their professional contribution for State of Kuwait.
PWF executive team comprising of Ms.Nighat Tariq (VP) gave team introduction to guests and highlighted the purpose of “Meet & Greet Eve”. Ms. Nadiya Mohammad (Advisory) gave the yearly over view of PWF activities. Ms. Rabia Burney (Treasurer) gave insight of PWF membership while, Ms. Lubna Sahar (GS) undertook introduction of all guests.

The event was also attended by Ms. Tehreem Ilyas (Third Secretary, Embassy of Pakistan Kuwait), Dr. Beena Yousef ( Anesthesiologist , Adan Hospital), Ms. Nighat Peer Amjad , Ms. Shahla Kashif , Ms. Fozia Patel and Ms. Anoosha Shalwani. All the guests welcomed the medical professionals and appreciated their efforts as being front-liners during Covid-19 pandemic and representing true image of Pakistan.

“Meet & Greet Eve” was being sponsored by various renowned organizations working in Kuwait, including “ Al-Mulla Exchange Group”, “Creators Education Centre” and “ Lets Eat Kuwait”.

The event was concluded by Ms. Ambreen Mustafa, who welcomed the arrival of Pakistani female Doctors, Nurses and Para Medical Staff in Kuwait and expressed her regards for their professional conduct. While assuring full support, Mrs. Ambreen urged the medical professionals to work with commitment and due diligence.

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