Indian Muslim Association (IMA), Kuwait is one of the prominent socio religious organization in Kuwait which conducts various Programs to create awareness on various aspects of humanity for Indian expatriates and other Communities.

IMA has arranged various programs through webinar on the current situation of Al Aqsa and our responsibilities through various IMA Units extended at different locations of Kuwait on May 20th, 2021.

The prominent speakers of the three programs on the above subject were Sheikh Waleed Umri, Mr. Sharfuddin Soofi and Sheikh Umar Falahi.
The key highlights of the programs were to give an overview of current situation of Palestine and its conflicts with Israel and the historical facts, religious importance of Jerusalem for Muslims.

In these programs the importance of Bait Al Maqdis was explicitly described as it was the first qibla (direction of Prayer) of Muslims. The ascension of prophet Mohammad (PBUH) to heavens was from Bait al Maqdis. It was also narrated how Palestine was conquered by Muslims without shedding a drop of blood during the reign of Hazrat Omar bin Khattab RA and Salahuddin Ayyubi . It was also emphasized that Muslims always strived to establish a “Fair and Just system” for humanity which can be understood by the fact that Jews were invited to settle in Jerusalem by Muslim rulers. It was briefly explained that how the Jews gathered from all over the world to settle down in Palestine, established Israel and later expelled the Palestinian Muslims. It was emphasized how the present crisis is created due the removal of Palestinians from one of the regions known as Sheikh al Jarrah area of Palestine.

The programs were appreciated by overwhelming attendees in respective programs.

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