Although anytime is ice cream time, the period when we really relish this frozen treat is in the heat of summer. With temperatures rising daily as we head towards the sizzling months, now would be a good time to prepare and stock up the freezer with different flavors of cool and creamy home-made ice creams.

If you are in the mood to try a totally different flavor from the traditional fare of vanilla, chocolate or strawberry ice cream, then this coconut-pineapple-yogurt ice cream is the right choice. In addition, making it at home, without any of the preservatives, added sugars, or colorings thrown in, makes this ice cream a healthier choice as well.

Preparation time: 5 minutes
Freezing time: 4-5 hours
Serving: 4


1 cup coconut milk
1 cup hung curd (yogurt with the whey strained out)
1 cup condensed milk
1/2 tsp coconut flakes
1/4 cup crushed pineapple (fresh or canned)


Combine the yogurt, coconut milk, and condensed milk in a blender and blend well
Add the crushed pineapple, folding it into the yogurt mix
Transfer it to an airtight freezer-safe container and freeze for a minimum of 4 to 5 hours, although overnight is best.
Serve with optional toasted coconut flakes and pineapple slices or cookie crumbs.
The ice cream can be stored in the freezer for up to a month.

Indian Chef Chhaya Thakker, who has a huge following online on WhatsApp and YouTube will be sharing her favorite recipes and cooking tips with readers of The Times Kuwait. For feedback, you can write to





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