Two Asians caught with hashish, narcotic pills

The Customs officers at the Kuwait International Airport T1 have taken into custody an unidentified Asian passenger who arrived with 84 narcotic pills hidden...

Arab woman seized with alcohol, drugs and a big knife

Personnel from the Ahmadi Security Directorate have referred an Arab woman to the concerned authorities for driving a car with a stolen numbers plate...

Municipal member, mediator jailed in bribery case

The Criminal Court has found a member of the municipal council and another mediator (businessman) guilty of accepting bribe and sentenced the member for...

Public Prosecution investigates confession of a murderer

The Public Prosecution announced that it ordered the detention of a citizen who came to the Ali Sabah Al-Salem police station and confessed to...

Four beggars face deportation

The Ministry of the Interior said three 3 Asian men and an Asian woman were referred to administrative deportation after they were caught in...

21 violators of labor, residence laws arrested

The security authorities have arrested 21 violators of residence and labor laws -- 20 of who were arrested in the Khaitan and Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh...

Lawsuit accuses Meta of condoning human trafficking

Pension and investment funds filed a complaint against Meta, accusing it of “turning a blind eye” to activities that take place on its Facebook...

Four arrested for committing immoral acts

Four people are in police custody, 3 of them arrested in Salmiya for practicing immoral acts, while the fourth was arrested for inciting immorality...

14 days jail for recklessness

The Traffic Court has put behind bars for 14 days an unidentified reckless motorist. The Al-Rai daily said the man was caught red-handed by...

Man tries to enter Iraq illegally via Abdali border

An American man who stormed into Iraq via the Abdali border and escaped to Safwan crossing, has been handed over to the Kuwaiti security...

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