MOE discusses flexible school hours with stakeholders

Thursday the Ministry of Education concluded its meetings with representatives from the education sector regarding the implementation procedures for flexible school hours.
Anwar Al-Hamdan, the acting Undersecretary of the Ministry, chaired the second meeting on this matter, alongside Hessa Al-Mutawa, the acting Assistant Undersecretary for Public Education, Miteb Al-Otaibi, the Acting Director of the Coordination Department, Jassem Bu Hamad, the Acting Director-General of the General Administration of the Jahra Educational District, and Mahmoud Abdel-Rida, the Director of the Special Education Schools Administration. Representatives from the educational field in the Jahra, Farwaniya, and Mubarak Al-Kabeer regions also attended the meeting, reports Al-Jarida daily.
The purpose of the meeting was to allow all stakeholders in the educational field to express their opinions, address their inquiries, and provide feedback on the implementation of flexible school hours. School principals from various educational levels shared their observations and suggestions, and their inquiries were addressed during the session.
The meeting aimed to identify and discuss any existing obstacles before the actual implementation of the new system, ensuring its alignment with the nature of school operations and compliance with governing systems and regulations.
In another initiative, the General Secretariat of the Kuwaiti National Commission for Education, Science, and Culture, in collaboration with the Arab Education Bureau for the Gulf States, will host a technical workshop on the progress made towards achieving the fourth goal of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The workshop will focus on assessing the gaps and challenges in achieving this goal. The event is scheduled to take place next Sunday morning at the meeting room on the third floor of the main building of the Ministry of Education.