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ILOA sends off class 12 students in a memorable farewell

The event included a moving performance of the Indian Learners Own Academy song by the choir and an invocation dance by the students, spreading a celebratory atmosphere.

The farewell function was a fitting tribute to the efforts and accomplishments of the class 12 students. It was a day to remember, marked by gratitude and inspiration for the bright futures awaiting each graduate.

The farewell ceremony for the Class 12 students of Indian Learners Own Academy (ILOA) was a grand celebration, marking the conclusion of an inspiring journey and the start of new opportunities for the graduating batch of 2024-25.

The event was honored by the presence of Chief Guest Mr. Radhakrishnan C, Principal of United Indian School, Kuwait, an esteemed educational leader with 32 years of experience in teaching, lecturing, curriculum design, and research.

The program commenced with the recitation of the Holy Quran, followed by a heartfelt English prayer, setting a spiritual tone for the occasion. The national anthems of Kuwait and India were played, uniting students, teachers, and guests in a shared moment of pride and unity.

A symbolic lamp-lighting ceremony formally opened the proceedings, representing knowledge, wisdom, and the journey ahead for the graduates. This was followed by a series of heartfelt and motivational speeches. Mrs. AshaSharma, the Principal of ILOA, delivered an inspiring address, reflecting on the students’ journey and encouraging them to face future challenges with courage and passion.

The event included a moving performance of the school song by the choir and an invocation dance by the students, spreading a celebratory atmosphere. Juniors of the school added a personal touch by expressing warm wishes and thoughtful gestures toward the graduating class, emphasizing strong bonds of friendship.

The highlight of the event was the motivational address by the Chief Guest, Mr. Radhakrishnan C. He shared his wisdom and life lessons, emphasizing determination, dedication, and teamwork as keys to success, citing inspirational examples like Virat Kohli and GukeshDommaraju. He also discussed the potential of AI, noting that while technology evolves, it cannot replace human creativity and problem-solving. He encouraged blending determination, teamwork, and technology to achieve excellence. His words resonated deeply, inspiring students to embrace both the triumphs and challenges that life may bring.

To honor the achievements of the Class 12 students, the school presented them with mementos and certificates as tokens of appreciation for their dedication, perseverance, and accomplishments throughout their academic journey.

The ceremony concluded with a group photo of the graduating batch, capturing a moment of unity and celebration. The institution showcased its hospitality by providing the students with a sumptuous and delectable lunch. Refreshments were also arranged for the parents who attended the farewell event. It was a memorable occasion filled with pride, joy, and a sense of fulfillment as the students prepared to embark on the next chapter of their lives.

The farewell function was a fitting tribute to the efforts and accomplishments of the Class 12 students. It was a day to remember, marked by gratitude and inspiration for the bright futures awaiting each graduate.

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