Will Harry be denied residence in US?

After the shocking confessions made by Prince Harry in his book "Spear", which deals with the most accurate and private details of his life,...

Buckingham Palace allies reject Prince Harry’s claims in his memoirs

Allies of Britain's royal family have rejected Prince Harry's claims in his new memoir, which portrays the monarchy as a cold and ruthless institution...

Prince Harry wants to reconcile with the King and his brother William

Prince Harry wants to ‘reconnect’ with his father, King Charles III, and his brother William, with whom his relationship is frigid, but he does...

60 thousand visit “Winter Wonderland” in 19 days

Since the Tourism Enterprises Company officially launched the first edition of the "Winter Wonderland" events in Kuwait, on December 11, the city of games...

Georgina’s Christmas gift to Ronaldo

Model Georgina Rodriguez presented a valuable gift to her partner, the Portuguese football star, Cristiano Ronaldo, a luxury car. Ronaldo posted on his Instagram account,...

The Sun apology for offensive article a publicity stunt: Harry and Megan

Prince Harry and his wife, Megan, accused The Sun newspaper of carrying out a publicity stunt after it apologized for an article that sparked...

WhatsApp offers a solution to deleted messages

Did you send a message on “WhatsApp” and then removed it from your phone only while you wanted to delete it for the other...

Elon Musk does it again, suspends Twitter account of female journalist

Twitter suspended a journalist's account in the "Washington Post", Sunday, by the decision of its CEO, Elon Musk, a day after restarting the accounts...

Pokémon to launch a new animated series

The “Pokémon” company turned the Ash and Pikachu page, after an adventure journey that lasted 25 seasons, as it announced that it would launch...

King of Britain extends olive branch to Harry and Megan despite Netflix Show

King Charles III has extended an "olive branch" to Prince Harry and his wife Megan, despite the two appearing in a documentary on the...

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