Evening Tips for a Morning Flat belly
Losing weight and fat around the belly is no doubt the hardest thing, especially since it is affected by our lifestyle, going out and socializing at...
Food and Mood
Although a high protein diet can be an effective dietary approach for weight loss, its long-term effect on psychological functions, including mood and cognition...
Sunflower Seeds…
Although a source of fat, sunflower seeds are ‘good fat’, and considered a super healthy food item. These health inducing seeds are cheap, available...
Healing Power of Ginger
Ginger is always good for digestion and circulation, it treats many diseases, and I am sure that a lot of you have used it for many purposes.
Garlic : A Health Boosting Food
Ask Mira: Eating Right to Live Happy & Healthy
Everyone has heard about the benefits of garlic. Garlic does more than make our food taste...
Emotional Eating
Ask Mira: Eating Right to Live Happy & Healthy
You feel sad, you eat. You feel happy, you eat. You are tired, you eat. Angry, stressed?...
Six Hormones. Weight. Metabolism
Hormones are chemical messengers that regulate processes in our body. A system of glands, known as the endocrine system, secretes hormones into our bloodstream. The...
What to eat, when you want to…
Nutrition has to do with everything in life. It is related to health, beauty and wellbeing among others. Accordingly, it is important to know...
Leftovers that can poison you if reheated
It is quite common among many people to reheat leftover food in order to enjoy it later. While this is safe for some food,...
Fighting Bloating
Bloating is a major problem that people face due to abdominal problems, excessive food, or even some food allergies. Bloating and gas are usually...