Central Authority approves 16 road maintenance projects in Kuwait
The Board of Directors of the Central Authority for Public Tenders rejected the Ministry of Public Works recommendation for six projects and requested that they be awarded to other companies.

The Board of Directors of the Central Authority for Public Tenders during its meeting last Thursday has approved the recommendation by the Ministry of Public Works for the maintenance of roads in Kuwait’s governorates and highways across sixteen projects, according to Al Rai newspaper.
The Board of Directors of the authority rejected the ministry’s recommendation regarding six projects related to companies and requested that those projects be awarded to other companies after applying the terms outlined in the practice documents and the provisions of Articles 53 and 59 of the Public Tenders Law.
The authority asked the Ministry of Public Works to award the maintenance contract for road works in the capital governorate (Sect. II) to SAE General Trading and Contracting Company, which offered a 17 percent discount, instead of Green Line Company, which proposed a 7.7 percent increase.
Additionally, the authority recommended awarding the maintenance contract for road works in Hawalli Governorate (Bone I) to Bridge Company, which offered a nine percent discount based on the estimated value, instead of Green Line Company, which proposed a 5.9 percent increase.
The agency also requested the award of the maintenance contract for road works in the capital governorate (Range I) to Green Line Company, which offered a 9.7 percent discount based on the estimated value, instead of SAE General Trading Company, which proposed a 19 percent increase.
Additionally, the agency requested the award of the maintenance contract for road works in HawalliGovernorate (Range II) to Green Line Company, which provided a 5.9 percent increase based on the estimated value, instead of COPRI Company, which proposed a 9 percent increase.
The agency further requested the award of the maintenance contract for road works in Mubarak Al-Kabeer Governorate (Range I) to Al-Muhannadi Company, which offered a nine percent discount based on the estimated value. It also requested the award of a general maintenance contract for the First Ring Road, the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Intersections, and King Faisal Road to SAE, which provided a 27 percent discount based on the estimated value.