Amended traffic law imposes stiff penalties for traffic offences

New traffic regulations announced on 19 January through Decree-Law 5/2025, amends several provisions of Traffic Law 67/1976, and will come into force within three months of its publication in the official gazette, Al-Kuwait Al-Youm.
Some of the articles that have been amended in new law include:
• Article 6: Issuance or renewal of a license is conditional to obtaining vehicle insurance. Minister of Interior will release the rules, terms, the insurance fees, and cases where the insurance companies pay compensation for the accident upon settlement.
• Article 8: Each motorized vehicle must bear two plates, provided by the relevant traffic authorities. One plate must be affixed in the front of the vehicle and the other at the rear. For trailers and semi-trailers, only one plate is required, which must be affixed to the rear of the vehicle.
The plates must always remain visible, and their information must be clearly legible. It is prohibited to alter the location of the plates, use them on a different vehicle, or replace or modify their information or design.The plates must be visible, not blurred and fixed.
• Article 14: Minister of Interior may, by decree, limit the number of motor vehicles authorized by the General Directorate of Traffic, except for private vehicles belonging to citizens. The article also establishes tariffs for taxi and transportation services of all types.
• Article 22: No person is permitted to learn to drive motorized vehicles without first obtaining a learning permit from the General Directorate of Traffic.
• Article 24: A driving license granted for the first time may be withdrawn if the holder commits two violations specified under Articles 33 or 38 during the first year. The first-time driver whose license is withdrawn can apply for a new license only after four months of the withdrawal of the first one, and they may be required to complete an awareness course or undergo re-testing if deemed necessary by the General Directorate of Traffic.
• Article 33: Without prejudice to the measures outlined in this law or any harsher penalties prescribed by other laws, any individual shall face imprisonment of up to three months, a fine between KD150 and KD300, or both for the following:
- Driving the vehicle without the knowledge of the owner or a person who has the license
- Driving a vehicle without proper attention, thereby endangering the lives or property of the driver, passengers, or third parties.
- Not providing policemen with the driving license and the vehicle’s papers
- Parking on sidewalks or on pedestrian crossings
- Parking on the highways at night without turning on the blinking lights
- Performing repairs on a vehicle damaged in an accident without written authorization from the competent authority of the Ministry of Interior.
- Engaging in behavior that violates public morals while inside a vehicle.
- Providing false information or documentation with the intent to obtain a vehicle operating license, driving license, or any other permit, or to issue a copy or replacement for any of them.
- Failing to yield to government vehicles such as police, ambulances, firefighting units, civil defense vehicles, official convoys and their affiliated vehicles when their sirens are active, or following them for the purpose of bypassing other vehicles on the road.
- Driving on the shoulder of the road.
- Using mobile communication devices or any other handheld devices, or being otherwise distracted while driving.
- Driving a vehicle that emits harsh noises, thick smoke, or offensive odors; carries volatile, flammable, or harmful materials; or has unbalanced or defective components such as tires, posing a danger to road users.
- Fleeing or attempting to escape after causing a traffic accident that damages public or private property.
In addition the article stipulates that a driver shall be subject to imprisonment for a period of more than one year but not exceeding three years, a fine ranging from KD600 to KD1,000 dinars, or both for the following violations:
- Running a red traffic light.
- Driving a vehicle recklessly or negligently, endangering lives or property.
- Organizing or participating in unauthorized motor vehicle races, violating the conditions of a permit for a race, or gathering vehicles for reckless or negligent use that endangers lives or property.
- Exceeding the speed limit.
- Driving vehicles or motorbikes outside their designated areas.
- Driving in the opposite direction of traffic on highways or Ring Roads.
- Driving a vehicle with no number plate or a damaged one with blurred figures;
- Driving a vehicle without a driving license; with a license that does not authorize operation of that vehicle; or while the license is suspended or withdrawn.
- Using motorized vehicles for transporting passengers for a fare without proper authorization.
Parking in spaces designated for disabled persons.
• Article 38: Without prejudice to the measures prescribed in this law or any harsher penalty under other laws:
Anyone who drives or attempts to drive a vehicle under the influence of intoxicating beverages, drugs, psychotropic substances, or medications that explicitly warn against driving, or any other substance impairing natural faculties, shall be punished by imprisonment for a period ranging between one and two years, a fine ranging between KD1000 and KD3000, or both.
If the offense results in an accident causing damage to public or third-party property, the penalty shall be imprisonment for a period ranging between one and three years, a fine ranging between KD2000 and KD3000, or both.
If the offense results in an accident causing injury or death, the penalty shall be imprisonment for a period ranging between two and five years, a fine ranging between KD2000 and KD5000 dinars, or both.
The court shall order the withdrawal of the driving license for a period ranging between one and three years. In the case of repeat offenses, the court may extend the withdrawal period to between three and five years.