Syrian becomes Kuwaiti at 10 reaching high rank in biggest breach

A security source revealed to Al-Rai that among the files examined by the Supreme Committee was a case of forgery, described as “the biggest breach faced by a sensitive institution.” The case had been reviewed in previous years, but the completion of the file had been obstructed due to political pressures at the time.
The source pointed out that a leader in a security institution was found to have obtained Kuwaiti citizenship through fraud and subsequently rose to a high rank. After conclusive evidence of the fraud was confirmed, instructions were given to take the necessary legal measures.
The case involves a leader holding a high rank in a security institution, who used his position to bring in three of his sons as officers within the same institution. He had the authority to determine who would be accepted and who would be rejected, as well as the power to appoint real Kuwaitis to other sensitive positions.
The person in question was added to the file of a Kuwaiti citizen through fraud. At the time of his addition, he was 10 years old and originally held Syrian citizenship. Consequently, he had two parents—one allegedly Kuwaiti and the other Syrian, who later acquired Saudi citizenship.
The source indicated that in 2016, the Nationality Investigations Department received information suggesting that he had obtained Kuwaiti citizenship through fraud, despite being originally Syrian with a father who held Saudi citizenship.
After investigations and research, it was discovered that his real brother was in Kuwait and that there were contacts, meetings, and gatherings between them. However, political pressures at the time hindered the completion of the procedures and the withdrawal of his citizenship.
The source explained that investigations revealed the officer’s brother had left Kuwait last September. Upon his return, he was arrested, his DNA was fingerprinted, and the officer’s brother was summoned. It was determined that he was indeed the officer’s brother from his father, and that the retired senior officer’s father was a Saudi national.
Further investigation uncovered that the father’s real address, who was naturalized as a Saudi, matched the address of the leading officer. Additionally, it was found that the officer’s name was different from his real father’s name.
The source stated that the file was thoroughly discussed by the Supreme Committee, which decided to take the necessary measures and revoke his nationality. It was noted that his sons hold sensitive leadership positions, and that he is affiliated with about 20 individuals, all of whom will also have their nationalities withdrawn.