I thank The Times – Kuwait for the opportunity to extend through its pages heartfelt congratulations to His Highness the Amir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, to His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, to the whole leadership of Kuwait and the Kuwaiti people on Kuwait’s 62-nd National Day and the 32-nd anniversary of the Liberation.

Throughout this month we have been impressed to see how enthusiastically and unitedly the Kuwaitis mark their key national occasions in a strong expression of pride, devotion and love for their country. The State of Kuwait has succeeded in building a society with a high level of welfare and stability and I wish Kuwait and its people still more achievements and prosperity. I am privileged to represent here my country – Bulgaria which has six decades of diplomatic relations and close ties with Kuwait. We value our friendship and our accomplishments in bilateral cooperation over the years. Our efforts are focused on intensifying political dialogue and activating contacts between our institution and business circles.

We work on upgrading the documentary basis of our cooperation which includes more than 25 agreements, memorandums of understanding and protocols. We are interested to further promote our cultural relations, educational cooperation and people-to-people contacts. Bulgaria is a well-known destination for the Kuwaitis. Thousands of tourists from Kuwait visit Bulgaria each year.

In 2023 we will celebrate 60 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Bulgaria and Kuwait – an opportunity to give new impetus to bilateral cooperation in the areas of common interest.

In conclusion, I would like to reiterate my congratulations to the leadership and the people of Kuwait on the National Day and the Day of Liberation and to wish Kuwait continuous advancement and wellbeing.

H.E. Dimitar Dimitrov
Ambassador of Bulgaria

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