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Expanded meeting to resolve Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh issue held at Municipal Technical Office

The Technical Committee of the Municipal Council summoned 6 government agencies to discuss the Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh file in a comprehensive and detailed manner. Five agencies attended to discuss the visions and proposals submitted by the committee members regarding the area, and answering their inquiries.

The Head of the Committee, Eng. Munira Al-Amir, stated that after the meeting ‘The Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh file was at the top of the agenda, as the discussion focused on the proposals from those who participated, each having its own specialization, to solve the problem, stressing that the meeting was positive due to the diversity of the proposals, their comprehensiveness, and their coverage of all necessary items’.

Al-Amir pointed out that what the committee is doing at this stage is, coordinating with the relevant authorities, which is in addition to revising and monitoring all the concepts that are put forward by the invited parties, so that they are formulated in a final, approved form, which is suitable for submitting them to the Municipal Council. Thereafter, they will be directed to the executive body to complete the necessary plans in implementing these proposals, taking into account all the aspects that were raised.

Furthermore, Al-Amir explained that the step taken by the committee is considered as an initial measure. However it is necessary to issue a direct order through the official channels of the Municipality, with the aim of implementing the higher directives regarding resolving the Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh problem.

In addition, Al-Amir stressed upon the fact that all points that were set and suggested by the relevant authorities, will be taken into consideration. To ensure that integrated plans are put in place during implementation, in addition to opening the door for other authorities to work without any prior obstacles, or administrative interference between these authorities.

Al-Amir explained that the way the Council and the Municipality work in the present times; is characterized by a more far-reaching vision, as points of lack of coordination with other agencies are avoided, as well as ensuring and monitoring what comes out from the Council.

Al-Amir said “The journey has already begun, and these steps will be consolidated through cooperation mechanisms and achieving the desired results.”

During the meeting, the committee decided to keep the proposal of member Fahd Al-Abduljader, regarding the expropriation of houses and lands in Khaitan area, Block-5.

Participants included:

  • Ministry of Finance
  • Ministry of Public Works
  • Ministry of Interior
  • Public Environment Authority
  • Kuwait Municipality

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