Diplomatic DiaryFeatured

Russian Embassy celebrates Defenders of Fatherland Day

Russian Ambassador H.E. Vladimir Zheltov, stressed the depth, strength and durability of Russian-Kuwaiti relations. Describing bilateral relations as strong and historical, he noted that these ties go back to 1963. The ambassador was speaking on the occasion of the commemoration of the ‘Defenders of the Fatherland Day’.

He pointed out that Kuwait was Russia’s first friend in the Arabian Gulf region, explaining that over the past six decades, bilateral relations between the two countries have maintained their strength thanks to the wisdom of the Kuwaiti leadership, expressing his country’s pride in the continuation of these relations.

In response to a question about defense cooperation between the two countries, he said that the ball is in the Kuwaitis’ court, as his country is open to any proposals to enhance this cooperation.

Returning to the occasion, Ambassador Zhiltov said that ‘Defenders of the Fatherland’ Day is a historical day dating back to 1918, and it is a national holiday celebrated by citizens throughout Russia as one of the most respected and appreciated occasions. He explained that this day is a tribute to all the Russian army, soldiers and officers who defend their homeland everywhere and on the Ukrainian front.

In turn, the Russian military, air and naval attaché at the Embassy of the Russian Federation to Kuwait, Colonel Shmatov Alexei, praised the military and defense relations between the armies of the two countries. Addressing a gathering of diplomats and military attachés to the country on the occasion of ‘Defender of the Fatherland Day’, Colonel Alexei said: “We respect and highly value the wise position of the State of Kuwait towards the crisis in Ukraine, indicating that a strong, modern army is the guarantee of the security of countries, the preservation of their sovereignty, and the preservation of the continuity of the country. It is the development and prosperity of its future.”

Regarding the occasion, he said, “This day represents a national holiday that embodies the heroic history of our army and naval forces. It also reflects the strongest and indissoluble bond between all generations of defenders of the homeland and the fatherland. It also embodies our deep gratitude to the loyal sons and daughters of the homeland, and to all those who did not spare themselves while fighting the enemy in defense of their homeland and people.”

He spoke about his country’s decisive contribution during World War II, in liberating humanity from the hateful dangers of fascism, and for that, our country paid a dear price: the lives of more than 27 million of its best sons and daughters. He added that the Soviet Union was at the forefront of those opposing colonialism and working to end it and cut off its roots. He also noted that Russia made an invaluable contribution to advancing political and economic development in many countries on the continents of Asia and Africa.

“As we commemorate Defender of the Fatherland Day this year, our eyes overflow with tears. Russian soldiers are fighting today not only for the future of Russia, but also for freedom, true independence, and respect for the sovereignty and security of all countries, against neo-colonialism, and against the ideas of some countries that claim their superiority over other sovereign and independent countries.”

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