
Outline your diet regimen and fitness workouts for healthier body and mind

Living in a busy world where health and fitness are jeopardized and compromised as results of overwhelming work and limited time to fend oneself with proper and adequate diet paired with sedentary lifestyles. We are often confronted with obesity that often leads to various illnesses and detrimental diseases. How do we then bridge the gap between the word busy and unhealthy?

With the surge of social media hypes that endlessly post and publish incessant articles, pictures and reels with each one claiming not only the best approach to diet and workout but a dogma that would not accept other possibilities. Having lived  35 years as a personal and group trainer showcased a line up of cases on fitness conditions from mild to complex obesity treatments, food deprivation and voluntary starvation, medical and clinical body enhancements to  achieve desired weights and ideal form. Sadly, each approach can only attest personal results and do not apply to other conditions.  

What is common and traditional regimens in fitness workouts includes a cardio workout for fat burning and cardio vascular workouts paired with light to moderate weights and controlled food intake as against new approaches of costly personal training, tailored diet and supplements with subtle medical enhancements. These two approaches do not only differ due to financial affordability and traditional ideologies. We often ask: What kind of diet is best?  There is no one special diet that experts recommend for everyone to follow. People choose what foods to eat for many different reasons, including personal preference, cultural or religious influences, and nutritional content andcost and availability also play a role. In general, based on many different studies over time, experts recommend a diet that includes lots of vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts,and whole grains and limits consumption of red and processed meats, unhealthy fats, sugar, salt and alcohol. What we often term as traditional is often more effective that includes increase intake of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, cut down on sugary drinks and alcohol and cut down on unhealthy fats and consume more healthy fats instead.

In creating an ideal  fitness regimens several physical conditions have to be evaluated than simply jumping into a video clip watched on line. AQA listed seven different components of fitness; agility, balance, cardiovascular endurance (aerobic power), coordination, flexibility, muscular endurance, power/explosive strength (anaerobic power), reaction time, strength (maximal, static, dynamic and explosive) and speed.  Each of these components have their limits thus,  pre workout evaluations have to be made to asses the full capacity of each person. Indentifying the body structures and their qualities is essential to design an effective program.

Rijish Joseph, Trainer at Future Body Gym stated that gym clients often have good and effective set of workout but often fail with  their diet and nutrition. “Discipline is very important and dedicating adequate time to their workouts are essential to achiever one’s fitness goal” added Joseph. Workout alone will never justify and equal excessive food intake, thus balance diet and workout have to exist side by side. “Environment often has an impact with one’s workout thus when in company of people who are hard workers that produce substantial results can inspire and influence others around them” added Joseph.

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