KTMCC to hold musical evening ‘Thenilum Madhuram’

The Kuwait Town Malayalee Christian Congregation plans to conduct a Musical Evening titled ‘Thenilum Madhuram’ in association with Good Earth on 11th April 2024, Thursday, at the Church and Parish Hall, NECK.
The event will showcase melodious songs composed by shri. K. V. Simon sung by various choir groups and soloists.
KTMCC Choir, KCC Choir, Men’s Voice and Chorale Society, Youth Chorus among other choir groups will sing mellifluous songs.
Various arrangements are being done under the leadership of Saju V. Thomas, Roy K. Yohannan, Vinod Kurien, Shijo Thomas, Reju Vettiyar, Thomas Philip & Jees George Cherian for the success of the event. Pray, come, and enjoy an evening of melody.