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ASSP Kuwait Chapter organizes GCC HSE excellence awards 2023

American Society of Safety
Professionals (ASSP), Kuwait Chapter ISO 9001:2015 is a premier voluntary, non-profit Health, Safety and Environmental organization, which strives to provide professional guidance, training, consultancy and resources to the industrial and social sectors in the region.

One of our flagships annual event16th ASSP GCC HSE Excellence Award-2023” under the patronage of Kuwait Petroleum Company (KPC), which was endorsed by BCSP, IADC, IPAF and GDA, announced in the month of August 2023 and received nominations from private sector companies of GCC countries. The award ceremony organized on 21stFebruary 2024 at Hilton Resorts Kuwait, and recognized the winning companies.

The annual award program’s primary aim is to recognize and commend the exemplary Health, Safety, and Environmental (HSE) Management Systems and performance of private sector contractors and business partners of K-Companies, Manufacturing industries, Hospitals, and other private sectors of Kuwait. This award is also extended to all the above sectors of GCC countries, those who are committed to improving HSE standards and performance during the last three years to prevent accidents and injuries. As we say “You Perform… We Recognize”.

The opening session was attended by:

  • Shamlan Bader AlRoomi, Manager HSEKOC
  • Omar Al Molhem, Manager HSE KNPC
  • Mr Abdul Raheem Al Rashidi, Team leader HSSE KPC, Representative of Manager HSSE- KPC
  • Abdulla Al Awadi, TL, HSE West KuwaitKOC
  • Eng. Hassan Alibrahim, Responsible Care & EHS DirectorEquate,
  • Mohammad Al-Qahtani, TL, Soil Remediation Projects – I, KOC
  • and several other dignitaries from oil sector companies from all over the GCC and other distinguished guests attended the function. Engr. Fadhel Al Ali, Chairman ASSP Kuwait, Engr. Faris Al Mansouri, Director ASSP GCC HSE Excellence Awards along with Mr. Safdar Ali Khan, President ASSP Kuwait Chapter 2023-2024 also preceded the inaugural ceremony.

Engr. Fadhel Al Ali, Chairman of the ASSE Kuwait Chapter in his opening address welcomed everyone to this prestigious event. The Chairman extended appreciation to KPC management for their patronageand acknowledged the support of KPC, KOC, KNPC and KIPIC management. Expressed gratitude for tremendous participation from Kuwait and GCC Private companies. The event, now in its 16th year, has played a pivotal role in transforming organizational attitudes towards HSE commitment, fostering a culture of excellence in the region. In his concluding remarks, the Chairman acknowledged the dedication of the ASSP Kuwait Chapter’s volunteer team and praised the leadership of Eng. Faris Al-Mansouri.

Engr. Faris Al Mansouri, Director ASSP GCC HSE Excellence Awards 2023 in his welcome address thanked and congratulated all the participating companies, emphasized on HSE culture by having focus on safety always been a core value of the industry and will always remain at the forefront, strongly support employees to promote HSE culture. Moreover, he shared that since the commencement of this award in 2009, participation is steadily grown in the Middle East region. While concluding he thanked KPC and its subsidiaries for patronaging, the Evaluation Committee for maintaining standards and appreciated all the members of the award organization.

Mr. Mustaq Mirza, Deputy Director, ASSP GCC HSE Excellence Awards 2023, briefed about the scheme of the GCC Awards Program, and a video capsule was unveiled, he congratulated and extended best wishes to all thewinners. Appreciated organizations for providing safe, healthy work environment, high industrial standards, and performance. Thanked the organizing team, committee members, EC members, and Chapter Admins for their dedication. Invited companies to participate in the 2024 ASSP GCC award program.

Mr. Safdar Ali Khan, President ASSP Kuwait Chapter 2023-2024, urged the commitment of HSE excellence serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration. ASSP Kuwait chapter is recognized for quality HSE training provider. In conclusion, let us cherish the moment and recognized how to carry forward the spirit of innovation, collaboration and dedication for our people, our planet, and for future generations

Mr. Safdar, along the Chairman and other dignitaries launched ASSP GCC HSE Excellence Awards 2024 , 5th Dec with a video capsule and further 12th ASSP PDC Conference & Expo May 2025” was also launched by unveiling a beautiful video capsule. He requested all the executives from various companies and organizations to participate and get recognized in the HSSE fraternity.

ASSP KUWAIT CHAPTER Safety professional of the year (spy) award 2023 was conferred to Mazharuddin R. Shaikh by the chairman and other dignitaries.

There was a special address from the board of Certified Safety Professional    (BCSP) representative Mrs Kavita Prabhu. BCSP President Mr Ashok Garlapati  also witness the award function .

After the opening ceremony Engr. Fadhel, Engr. Faris along with Shamlan Bader Al-Roomi, Mr. Omar Al Molhem, Mr. Abdulla Al Awadi, Eng. Hassan Alibrahim and Mr. Mohammad Al-Qahtani , Mr Abdul Raheemstarted the Awards program and distributed the awards to the successful companies who had won Platinum, Gold, Gold Medal (for companies who achieved Gold Award for consecutive 5 years), Silver & Merit awards.

A total of 49 companies from the GCC countries participated and won a total of 79 awards in the following categories.

  1. HSE Excellence Award
  2. Best Corporate Social Responsibility Program Award
  3. Environment Excellence Award
  4. Best HSE Initiative Award
  5. Best Management of Driving Safety Award
  6. Best Risk Management Awards

All the above submissions were meticulously evaluated by a professional team of adjudication panel.

After the award ceremony, Eng. Fadhel Al Ali, Chairman, ASSP Kuwait Chapter, Eng. Faris Al Mansouri, Director, recognized EC Core committee, ASSP GCC HSE Excellence Award organizing committee members with ASSP-branded mementos.

A lucky draw was conducted among participant with three lucky winners.

The closing ceremony of the event was held by Mr. Mohammad Yusuff, Actg. Vice President ASSP Kuwait Chapter 2023-2024 in his vote of thanks he appreciated the overwhelmed response from the Kuwaiti Companies and the GCC countries.

He thanked all ASSP volunteers and supporting & endorsing organizations for making this program grand success. Engr Omar Al Sadi and Mr. Salim Al-Alawi facilitated the award ceremony. He thanks the exhibitors Falcon Plus, Raja Traders, Safety & Fire and Al Mouwasat hospital.

Last but not the least he thanked all the volunteers who had put theirpersonal time in making this event a great success, also appreciated the event organizing team from VCONEX headed by Mr. Mohammad Riaz for a flawless production.

The event concluded with press coverage by various Arabic newspapers and social media journalists.

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