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Philippine Embassy staff end tenure, master chefs pursue culinary ventures

By Ricky Laxa
Staff Writer

Luis Carlos Osorio, Officer at the Embassy of the Philippines ends his seven years tenure in Kuwait and in service of the Filipino community. Two Master chefs and trainers from Masterclass Lifestyles Workshops Yazmeen Deeb Akasha and Beth Osorio will also return home to pursue business ventures  on pastries and delicacies.

Luis Caros Osorio commenced his post in 2018. Among his responsibilities included: Head of ATNU’s Medical Response Team ATN Officer In-charge of the Burial and shipment of Human remains Member of the Embassy’s Repatriation Team Protocol Officer Consular Officer for Report and Solemnization of Marriages Alternate Communications and Records Officer Information Technology Section Head Embassy’s Official Photographer Overseas Voting – Spokesperson, Overseas Voting – Data Capturing Machine Operator, Overseas Voting – Vote Counting Machine Technician, Overseas Voting – Resident Election Registration Board Member and Overseas Voting – Consolidated Canvasing System Operator. Among one of the toughest posts was the electoral process in Kuwait covering the election of Philippine officials from President to senate members.

“It has been a wonderful experience and Kuwait somehow afforded me with remarkable memories and will always treasure. Its hard to leave friends behind but surely, what awaits the future will always be good if not better” commented Luis Osorio, He urges all Filipinos to continuously respect the laws, traditions  and norms of the host country Kuwait, support the embassy and its attached agencies.

With Luis Osorio, is another staff Yasmeen Deeb Akasha who served from 2018 to 2024 as Arabic Interpreter and Translator,Member of ATNUs Medical Response Team, Member of ATNUs in charge of Burial and Shipment of Human Remains,Member of ATNUs Legal Team Member of the Embassy’s Repatriation and Team Assistant during Overseas Voting Elections. Akasha who is also a graduate of Culinary Arts at Masterclass Lifestyles Workshops with Lilibeth Osorio. Both have initiated Kids baking classes during summer and have mentored and provided assistance to  several culinary sessions.

They also have spearheaded culinary projects in support of the Philippine Embassy and joined bazaars and exhibitions showcasing their own home based delicacies. Osorio and Akasha  plan to venture into baking business upon their return to the Philippines. Masterclass LifestylesWorkshops management, trainers and students wish them all the best.

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