Swiss ambassador praises Kuwait’s vibrant Ramadan traditions
His Excellency Dr. Tiziano Balmelli emphasized the importance of strengthening bilateral relations between Switzerland and Kuwait and hailed the unique Diwaniyatradition, which fosters family bonds and reinforces social ties.

• His Excellency Dr. Tiziano Balmelli, the Swiss ambassador to Kuwait, hopes to host the Swiss President in Kuwait and welcomes a visit by His Highness the Amir Sheikh Meshal Al-Ahmed Al-JaberAl-Sabah to Switzerland, emphasizing ongoing efforts to strengthen ties and enhance cooperation, especially in humanitarian and development sectors.
His Excellency Dr. Tiziano Balmelli, the Swiss ambassador to Kuwait, praised the country’s rich Ramadan traditions and emphasized the importance of strengthening bilateral relations.
Speaking at the Swiss-Kuwaiti Diwan, which he hosted at his residence and attended by a large gathering of citizens offering Ramadan greetings, Ambassador Balmellihighlighted the significance of Kuwait’s Ramadan customs. He particularly commended the unique diwaniyaexperience, which fosters family connections and strengthens social ties.
He said, “This is my third Ramadan in Kuwait, and I have been very impressed by the Diwaniya tradition, which I find truly special. Since my arrival, I have loved this beautiful custom. Last year, we decided to organize a Swiss Diwaniya at the residence, and it was a great success.”
He added, “The success of the Swiss-Kuwaiti Diwaniyalast year encouraged us to host it again this year,” highlighting the large attendance and the growing number of Swiss friends in Kuwait. The atmosphere here is wonderful, and we are proud and happy to be part of this beautiful community, especially among Switzerland’s friends in Kuwait.”
He emphasized that the spirit of Ramadan fosters values of brotherhood and togetherness, explaining, “This month carries a unique spiritual dimension, where people exchange visits and gather—something that has become rare in many countries experiencing family disintegration and increasing individualism. But in Kuwait, the Diwaniya tradition helps preserve social strength and family cohesion, which is truly wonderful.”
Regarding bilateral relations between Switzerland and Kuwait, he emphasized that ties are at their strongest, highlighting preparations for high-level visits to mark the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries next year.
He explained, “We are currently working to deepen cooperation across multiple sectors, particularly in humanitarian assistance and development, as we are close to signing a memorandum of understanding to strengthen joint efforts in this field.”
On the topic of official visits, the Swiss ambassador expressed his hope to welcome the President of the Swiss Confederation to Kuwait for the 60th anniversary celebrations, as well as a visit by His Highness the Amir Sheikh Meshal Al-Ahmed Al-Jaber Al-Sabah to Switzerland. “We are still in the discussion phase, and we hope these visits will take place soon, along with other high-level meetings in preparation,” he added.