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Reintroduction of Flexible Working Hours in Schools

The Acting Undersecretary of the Ministry of Education, Mansour Al-Daihani, has issued a new circular outlining the reinstatement of flexible working hours for teaching and administrative staff across all educational levels. This applies to both public and private institutions, including Arab schools, religious education, and special education. The system is set to take effect on Sunday, September 29, and will undergo an evaluation at the end of the first semester.

Initially, the flexible working hours system was suspended at the start of the school year. However, after collaboration with relevant authorities, the Ministry has reintroduced the system to alleviate congestion and offer greater flexibility in attendance and departure times. This approach is designed to accommodate the needs of the educational process, with the possibility of permanent adoption if deemed successful.

Key Provisions for Flexible Working Hours:

  1. Staff Flexibility: Teachers and administrative staff can choose their start and end times, based on their daily schedules. All assigned teaching periods must be met within the official working hours.
  2. School Administration’s Role: The school principal, assistant principal, and department heads will monitor attendance and ensure compliance with school regulations.
  3. Delayed Arrival: Staff will incur penalties for late arrivals after a grace period set for each educational stage. The official attendance must be recorded within 60 minutes of the workday start, otherwise, the staff member is considered absent without permission.
  4. Off-Duty Hours: Employees are permitted to take off-duty hours, ensuring that they complete at least five hours of work per day, as required by the Child Rights Law (No. 21 of 2015). The combination of flexible hours with off-duty and grace periods is prohibited to maintain workflow continuity.
  5. Support for Disabled Staff and Pregnant Women: Teachers and administrators who are disabled, or care for a disabled individual, may benefit from combined work hour reductions as stipulated under Law No. 8 of 2010.
  6. Leave and Task Management: Any staff member assigned tasks outside the school during official hours must complete a task assignment form, approved by their supervisor. The administrative department is responsible for managing leave and attendance systems.

School Leadership and Attendance Protocols:

One member of the school’s leadership team, such as the principal or assistant principal, must remain on-site during school hours until the end of the day. Any failure to meet these requirements will trigger formal investigations and disciplinary action.

Supervisory and Technical Staff Work Hours:

General and technical supervisors must adhere to the same attendance protocols, recording their presence at school or during visits within the required timeframe. Any delay will be calculated and managed as part of their monthly work hour records. Supervisors are responsible for submitting visit plans and reports on a monthly basis, which are overseen by the Director of Educational Affairs and the Director General.

The Ministry will evaluate the success of these flexible working hours by the end of the semester, deciding whether to continue with the system or explore new alternatives.

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