Radio Kuwait Urdu Service Organized Special Program for Ramdan Transmission

A Special Program was organized by Radio Kuwait Urdu Service to celebrate the special Ramdan transmission in a spiritual style. A series of programs were arranged and broadcasted to mark these special days with full enthusiasm but Program Hayya Alal Falah was a series of Episodes which broadcasted Live every Saturday in the Month of Ramdan.
Programs Titled as (Hayya Alal Falah – ی الح ََّّ حَ فَ ْال یَعلَ )which means Road to Eternal Success was broadcasted every Saturday in the month of Ramdan. Program Consisted on Two parts where in first part Students from Different Schools Presented their Nasheeds, Hamd and Naats while in the other Segment Famous Islamic Scholars Maulana Faisal Aziz Madani, Maulana Muhammad Umar Falahi, Maulana Alauddin Ainul Haque Makki & Dr Mahfooz ur Rahman Madani took part and recorded the special shows.
First Segment of the program was consisted on the Nasheed and Naats by the student of different schools. RK Urdu Service paid special gratitude to Col. Anjum Masood, Sanober Farrukh, Mohammad Umar Falahi for encouraging their students who took part in the show and Majid Chaudhry for Providing his school for the event.
Majid Chaudhry & Asad Baig played a Pivotal Role to make this program a success. Hafiz Hafeez ur Rehman, Maulana Sifaat Alim & Nazia Umar from IMA recorded program for the RKFM.
Programs were hosted by Radio Kuwait Urdu Service Announcers, Nida Mirza & Razia Ashraf whereas Aboobacker Payyoli was Coordinator of the Program, Anees Backer Sound Engineer and Barkat Khan was Editor of the show. The program was headed by Sheikha Shejoun Al Sabah (Director of Programs, Foreign Services) and Sheikha Shejoun Al Marshoud (Supervisor of Programs, Foreign Services).The presented ceremony was conducted by Faiza Siddique while Atif Siddique was the man behind social media coverage.
Radio Kuwait Urdu Service Extend their warm wishes to every Listener on the occasion of Eid.