Microsoft Chief Executive Officer Satya Nadella and his wife Anu lost their son Zain Nadella on Monday, 28 February, the company said in a statement. The message asked executives to hold the family in their thoughts and prayers while giving them space to grieve privately, Bloomberg reported.

Zain Nadella was 26 years old, and was born with cerebral palsy. Nadella, who had taken on the role of the CEO in 2014 after Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer, has focused on designing products to better serve users with disabilities. In a blog post written in 2017, the Microsoft chief had shared his experience of his son’s birth and upbringing, and how it had impacted him.

“Zain will be remembered for his eclectic taste in music, his bright sunny smile and the immense joy he brought to his family and all those who loved him,” Jeff Sperring, CEO of Children’s Hospital where Nadella’s son had received most of his treatment, wrote in a message, Bloomberg reported.

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