The cheerful and reveling evening of 25th December became all the more joyous with the poetry and positive thoughts of the members of the Writers’ Forum Kuwait. In a cozy meeting on zoom platform with some of the most enthusiastic members of the Forum, the Writers’ Forum bid farewell to 2020 and exchanged good wishes for the new year 2021.

The evening started with the members exchanging Christmas wishes with each other. The General Secretary of the Forum, Ms. Nazneen Ali, requested Mr. Umesh Sharma to preside over the meeting while Mr. Sunil Sonsi was invited to be the Chief Guest of the evening.

The meeting commenced with the prose session, with Ms. Nazneen Ali reading her article Thank You 2020, in which she highlighted the positive human attributes that the Pandemic and its related changes taught everyone.  The motivational session continued with another inspirational story by Biswa Ranjan in Oriya, translated in Hindi, stating the importance of charity.

The poetry session of the meeting also started on a high note with a beautiful poem on life by renowned Urdu critic and the President of the Forum Ms. Maimuna Chougle. Member Mohan Singh represented his daughter Parminder Kaur through her poem “Hope and Fear”. The meeting continued with another exceptional Urdu poetry by Sayeed Nazar Kadpawi, a touchy Hindi poem on the era before digitalization by Dr. Radhika Guleri Bhardwaj and a melodious poetic message by Ameeruddin Ameer. Member Sabiha Bilgrami’s presence was cherished by everyone.

Sunil Sonsi, the Chief Guest of the evening recited his poetry with perfection. In his note he wished all the members a very Happy New year 2021 and appreciated the members’ dedication towards the Forum and the positivity in their creations even during such tough times. He wished the Forum continues to reach newer heights in the coming years.

Umesh Sharma, the President of the evening left everyone spellbound with his beautiful poetry on hope. He thanked everyone for their presence and mentioned that the Forum’s poetic session every month is not just a protocol being followed; instead it serves as a source of inspiration and a breeding ground for fresh and novel poetic ideas and themes.    

The meeting ended with Ms. Nazneen Ali thanking everyone and the members wishing each other good health and a blissful New Year.

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