US President-elect Joe Biden was vaccinated with Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine

The world, while struggling to cope with the fatal coronavirus crisis in 2020, suffered from natural catastrophes namely devastating hurricanes and wild fires.

Jan. 12: Ten people lost their lives in storms that ravaged several US states from Texas to Michigan.

Jan. 13: Some 14 people perished and several others were harmed due to bad weather in Baluchistan, Southwest Pakistan.

Jan. 14: Three soldiers perished and five civilians were injured in several snow avalanches in Jammu and Kashmir.

Jan. 16: The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention declared that deaths resulting from E-smoking climbed to 60.

Jan. 21: America declared the first coronavirus case in Washington state.

Jan. 24: French Health Minister Eliz Bouzin declared the first three cases of the novel coronavirus in the nation. Jan. 24: A 6.5-degree earthquake ravaged the eastern Turkish province of Elazig, killing 41 people and wounding 1,607 others.

Jan. 25: Malaysia recorded the first three cases of the novel coronavirus.

Jan. 27: China declared the first death related to the coronavirus in the capital Beijing.

Jan. 28: Germany recorded the first COVID-19 case in Bavaria.

Jan. 30: India declared the first coronavirus case. He was an Indian who studied in China and returned to the homeland on vacation.

Jan. 31: Russia announced recording the first two cases of coronavirus.

Jan. 31: Britain registered the first two cases of the pandemic.

Feb. 1: Spain recorded the first case of COVID-19.

Feb. 4: Snow avalanche in Van, East Turkey, killed 39 people.

Feb. 13: Japan registered the first woman death due to the coronavirus.

Feb. 15: France recorded the first death due to the coronavirus. The victim was a Chinese tourist and he was recorded as the first person to perish from the pandemic in Europe.

Feb. 19: Iran recorded the first two cases of the coronavirus in Qom, South Iran.

Feb. 22: Italy reported first death of a citizen due to the pandemic in Padova, North Italy.

Feb. 24: Afghanistan recorded the first coronavirus case in Herat, close to the borders of Iran in the west. Feb. 25: Switzerland declared the first pandemic-infected case.

Feb. 25: Croatia recorded the first coronavirus case. He was a person who came back from Italy. Feb. 25: Austria declared the first two cases of the pandemic.

Feb. 26: Pakistan recorded the first two coronavirus cases in Karachi. Feb. 26: Greece reported the first case of COVID-19 infection.

Feb. 28: Holland declared the first case of contamination with the pandemic.

Feb. 29: The US declared the first death with the novel coronavirus.

March 1: Luxembourg declared the first case of the pandemic. He was a citizen who came back from Italy.

March 2: Indonesian President Joko Widodo declared the first two cases of infections with the COVID-19 germ.

March 2: The Czech declared the first three pandemic-infected cases.

March 3: Twenty-two people died in a cyclone that battered Nashville, Tennessee.

March 3: Spain recorded the first death due to the pandemic.

March 4: Poland recorded the first infection with novel coronavirus.

March 5: Britain declared the first death linked to the pandemic.

March 5: Switzerland recorded the first death with the coronavirus.

March 6: The Vatican recorded the first coronavirus case closing all medical clinics for sanitization. March 6: Holland reported the first death due to the communicable germ.

March 8: Bulgaria recorded the first four cases infected with the pandemic.

March 9: Cyprus declared the first two coronavirus cases.

March 9: Germany declared the first two coronavirus cases.

March 11: Belgium recorded the first death with the coronavirus. March 11: Indonesia recorded the first death with the pandemic. March 11: Turkey registered the first novel coronavirus case. March 12: Azerbaijan declared the first death with germ.

March 12: Austria reported the first death due to contamination with the pathogen. March 12: Greece reported the first death as a result of contamination with COVID-19.

March 13: Norway reported the first death with the coronavirus. March 13: Scotland declared the first death from the pandemic. March 13: Norway recorded the first death with the novel coronavirus. March 13: Scotland recorded the first death with the pandemic. March 13: Mauritania declared the first death with the novel coronavirus. March 13: Kosovo announced the first case of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

March 14: Luxembourg reported the first death due to contamination with the communicable pathogen.

March 17: Malaysia reported the first death due to infection with the germ. March 17: Burkina Faso recorded the first death with the novel coronavirus.

March 18: Moldova declared the first death as a result of contamination with COVID-19.

March 19: Russia reported the first death from the novel coronavirus.

March 22: Cyprus declared the first death due to infection with COVID-19.

March 22: Romania registered the first death from the novel coronavirus infection.

March 26: Armenia recorded the first death from the pandemic. The victim was a 72-year-old patient.

April 12: UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson recovered and left the hospital after his COVID-19 infection.

April 13: At least 22 people lost their lives due to continuous tornados that occurred in southeastern US.

May 4: Italy announced gradual resumption of normal life by returning more than 4.4 million people to their work after total lockdown due to COVID-19.

June 14: One person was killed and 18 others injured when a 5.7-magnitude earthquake struck Turkish eastern city of Banjul.

June 21: Five people were killed in floods that swept Turkey’s northwestern city of Bursa. June 21: Spain lifted lockdown after 98 days and returned to normal life, re-opening up air navigation with countries of the EU and Schengen zone.

July 3: The European Commission granted a conditional marketing license for the drug (Remdesivir) for treatment of COVID-19.

July 4: Up to 59 people died in floods and landslides caused by torrential rains in Assam, northeastern India.

July 6: A total of 27 people died from torrential rains in Kumamoto Prefecture, located on the island of Kyushu, southwest of Japan.

July 13: Four people died from floods that swept through the city of Artvin, northern Turkey, due to heavy rains.

July 14: Two people died from floods that swept through the city of Reza, on the Black Sea, due to heavy rain.

July 17: China announced death and loss of 23 people due to severe floods in various parts of the country.

July 26: North Korea announced national state of emergency over first suspected coronavirus case.

Aug 5: Six people died in hurricane Isaias that that struck the eastern coast of the United States of America.

Aug 9: Greek authorities announced death of five people due to floods that swept through the Evia Island.

Aug 11: Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that his country is producing the first vaccine against the emerging coronavirus (Covid-19).

Aug 20: One man died in an extreme heat wave that hit the state of California causing wildfires.

Aug 22: Six people died due to wildfires that swept California.

Aug 23: Six people, including two members of the gendarmerie, died due to floods that swept through the capital of Giresun Province in the Black Sea Region of northeastern Turkey.

Aug 26: Pakistani authorities announced death of three people due to floods and heavy rains in the southern province of Karachi.

Aug 26: Up to 17 people died due to floods and heavy rains in Parwan Governorate, north of Afghanistan.

Aug 27: A total of 12 people died in different parts of Pakistan due to torrential rains. Aug 27: More than 113 people died in Afghanistan as floods ravaged the country.

Aug 28: A total of 16 people died and eight others were wounded in separate accidents due to torrential rains in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa region in northern Pakistan.

Sept. 13: A total of 31 people were reported missing, dozens of others were killed as massive wildfires continued in several states in the western United States.

Sept. 17: Two people died in Hurricane (Sally) after it struck Alabama coast and headed towards the interior regions of the southeast of the US.

Sept. 19: Two people were killed in central Greece as a result of the cyclone (Ianos) coming from the Mediterranean.

Oct. 2: US President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania were both tested positive for coronavirus (COVID19).

Oct. 24: Polish President Andrzej Duda tested positive for COVID19. Oct. 30: Six people died in states east of the US hit by hurricane Zeta.

Nov. 1: Cyclone Joni, which hit the Philippines, claimed lives of four individuals.

Nov. 3: Turkey announced death of 110 and the injury of 1,027 due to an earthquake that hit western city of Izmir.

Nov. 9: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said he tested positive for COVID-19.

Dec 7: Thai authorities declared that 24 persons drowned in floods in the south.

Dec. 12: US Food and Drug Administration approved emergency administering of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

Dec. 14: Two people perished in flash floods that swept western Turkish city of Izmir.

Dec. 17: The French presidential palace declared that President Emmanuel Macron tested positive for the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

Dec. 17: President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen declared vaccination campaign in all EU countries would kick off on December 27.

Dec. 20: British Secretary of Health Mattew Hancock warned mutated form of the novel coronavirus (COVID19) was out of control.

Dec. 21: US President-elect Joe Biden was vaccinated with Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. Dec. 21: Director General of the World Health Organizaton Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said the organization was cooperating with scientists to analyse how genetic changes in the coronavirus affected its activity.

Dec. 26: Spanish Government declared recording four confirmed cases of the mutated coronavirus in addition to three suspected cases. Dec. 26: French health department reported first casualty of the mutated coronavirus.


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