In a move to protect workers’ financial rights in the private and household labor sectors, the Public Authority for Manpower enacted a new procedure that requires the worker’s signature by fingerprint on the work permit cancellation form.

Relevant departments in the authority are now requesting the fingerprinted work cancellation form to ensure that the worker receives full financial dues. Informed sources told a daily Arabic paper that this procedure would guarantee that terms have been mutually cleared between the worker and the employer.

In addition, the automated form is available in five different languages, and is considered as bearing the responsibility between the worker and the employer. The sources confirmed that the Authority’s Labor Relations Department continues to receive complaints and daily labor-related issues in its various departments and fully works on solving any problems that arise between the worker and the employer, ensuring the application of the law.

The source also mentioned that the work permit is only canceled once payments for the worker are settled, and the transfer of residence is only obtained as per regulations should another employer is available for the transfer. Moreover, the Authority’s Information Systems Department has developed an electronic system for the release of the workers’ salaries in the private sector, and the same has been presented to the Inspection Department and its components. Sources noted that the newly-developed system will be launched in an integrated manner and will work on following-up on salary certificates and the commitment to pay financial dues, as well as, applying the regulations and penalties to non-compliance through the Inspection Department.

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