Embassy of India in Kuwait is pleased to announce the launch of new dedicated WhatsApp Helpline Numbers as part of the Embassy’s continuous process of strengthening, upgrading, and further augmenting existing institutional outreach platforms for the Community.

Twelve (12) new dedicated WhatsApp enabled Helpline Numbers corresponding to various services offered by the Embassy to the Community are made available with immediate effect. This facility is in addition to the existing mechanism available to the Community to reach out to the Embassy, including through landline and mobile numbers, emails and physical visits.

Indian nationals desirous of utilizing this facility may send WhatsApp messages to the appropriate number as per the details provided below. Please note that these numbers are for WhatsApp text queries only and not for calls. For telephone calls, the existing landline and mobile numbers may continue to be used.

Also, please note that only those messages that are received with full name, address, and contact number will be replied to. Except for the emergency helpline number, replies from other helpline numbers will be sent during official working hours (0800 to 1630 hrs, Sunday to Thursday).

Details of Helpline numbers mapped according to different services/wings of the Embassy are as follows:

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