A recent study revealed that treating low levels of vitamin D with nutritional supplements may reduce the risk of suicide attempt in some people, while vitamin deficiency may cause depression-like symptoms, including mood changes and chronic fatigue.
In a study conducted on more than a million veterans in the United States, and its results were published in the journal “Plus One”, researchers found that those who were prescribed vitamin D were almost 50 percent less likely to attempt suicide over an 8-year period. compared to those who did not take this type of vitamins, according to Sky News Arabia, reports Al-Rai daily.
Kristin Crawford, a psychiatrist with the National Alliance on Mental Illness, a vitamin D deficiency can cause depression-like symptoms, including mood changes and chronic fatigue.
However, the researchers have warned of the danger of taking vitamin D without obtaining medical advice, given that the body stores excess vitamin D in the form of fat.
The researchers stressed the need to conduct more research and clinical trials to find out the mechanisms of the effect of vitamin D on mood, symptoms of depression and negative thoughts.