Sharp smoke covered Montreal due to forest fires that are still active in Canada, making the city’s air the most polluted in the world, according to a company that specializes in studying atmospheric pollutants.

A smog warning issued by Environment Canada is in place in a number of Quebec regions. There are so many fine particles that on Sunday Montreal became the city with the worst air quality in the world, according to the Swiss company Iqair, which specializes in studying atmospheric pollutants, reports Al-Rai daily quoting AFP.

There are 81 wildfires currently in Quebec, 27 of which are considered out of control. Several fires spread over the weekend due to dry weather and high temperatures.

The Quebec Association for the Protection of Forests from Fires said that the abundance of smoke “makes the intervention of tanker planes and helicopters difficult,” noting that “large amounts” of rain are expected Monday or Tuesday in the northwest of the province. On Wednesday, 119 French firefighters are due in Quebec.

Canada is witnessing an unprecedented year in terms of fires that have destroyed more than 7.4 million hectares since the beginning of January.

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