Amid growing fears that the Zionist aggression against Gaza, which has been ongoing for more than three weeks, will prevent and deprive a number of Palestinian teachers, who were recently contracted by the Ministry of Education, from leaving the Gaza Strip to work in Kuwait in light of the continued aggression and complications related to the Rafah crossing, reliable sources said two teachers who had signed contracts to work in Kuwait have been martyred during the current Israeli aggression on Gaza.

The sources revealed the Ministry has signed contracts with about 530 Palestinian teachers to work in Kuwait. “The number of those with whom the Palestinian Embassy in Kuwait was able to communicate does not exceed 20 teachers, while communication is almost cut off with the rest,” the sources added, reports Al-Seyassah daily.

According to the same sources no one knows for sure yet the fate of the rest, and whether they are alive, killed by the bombing or missing, pointing out that the embassy has tried several times to communicate with them without any result.

Regarding the issue of “joining a family” for male and female teachers currently in Kuwait, within the recommendation approved by the National Assembly in the special session held the day before yesterday; with the aim of reunification, the sources explained that the matter is with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and it is working to coordinate their procedures.

The sources stated that the matter requires some time, especially since a number of stakeholders do not have identification documents.

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