Two people have died and nine are missing after an explosion ripped through a chocolate factory in West Riding, Pennsylvania, yesterday, officials said.

A video clip shown by the “WTXF” TV channel showed flames and columns of smoke, dust and debris rising into the sky. “Rescue operations are still ongoing at the site,” West Reading Police Chief Wayne Holden said in a brief statement to reporters, according to Al-Rai daily.

He pointed out that the explosion destroyed Building No. 2 of the factory and damaged Building No. 1 and added that the cause of the explosion is still under investigation.

Images broadcast by WGAL television showed debris piling up in the street, with at least one fire still burning hours after the blast.

The blast occurred at the factory of RM Palmer, which says on its website it has been making candy since 1948 and employs 850 people.

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