As the race for the US Presidential Election nears its conclusion, both President Donald Trump and former Vice President and current Democrat hopeful Joe Biden continued to provide different outlooks on how votes should be counted.

On his part, Trump told reporters, “If you count the legal votes, I easily win. If you count the illegal votes, they can try to steal the election from us. If you count the votes that came in late, we’re looking at them very strongly”. “I’ve already decisively won many critical states, including massive victories” “We can’t have an election stolen like this,” he added.

“It will be, hopefully, cleared up. Maybe soon, I hope soon. But it will probably go through a process, a legal process.” “I’ve claimed certain states and he’s claiming states. So we can both claim states, but ultimately I have a feeling judges are going to have to rule.” Meanwhile, Biden responded in a tweet “No one is going to take our democracy away from us. Not now, not ever.”

“America has come too far, fought too many battles, and endured too much to let that happen.” Earlier, Biden said that “The people will not be silenced, be bullied, or surrender. Every vote must be counted.” Final results for the Electoral College votes are still pending in the States of Pennsylvania with 20 votes, Georgia with 16 votes, North Carolina with 15 votes, as well as Nevada and Alaska with six and three votes respectively. Both Biden and Trump need to reached 270 Electoral College votes to win the race.


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