by- Ricky Laxa
Staff Writer

As we get older, we easily fall to injuries due to lessening of physical activities, exercises and workouts and in most cases we become sedentary further we lose some of muscle mass and strong bone structures. But whether we have been exercising or just commenced a workout regimen, eluding injuries can easily bring us to our ideal fitness core.

The most common cause of injury is misuse of our muscles or imposing massive shock of workouts in body that has never been under any exercise. Either we run for hours in treadmill to lose weight and improve cardiovascular system or lift weights, we never could have imagined, all these can end up dramatically in serious long bearing injuries. Fitness experts suggested that physical assessment prior to working out is imperative such as going through a series of fitness tests with trainers that include medical reports, physical and mental limitations and diet regimen as all these information can contribute to design an ideal workout.

Intensity in workout for beginners is not advisable, starting slow and eventually increase the pace is often ideal. Kick off your workout with a full stretching exercise that will condition your muscles along with brief low impact cardio workout to warm up and increase your heartrate. Setting up a progressive workout within a week from duration of 30 minutes to an hour to start with can help build steady endurance of muscles. Often weightwatchers mistake their diet with deprivation of food. We often witness individuals exercising then suffer dizziness and worst loss of consciousness, this is caused by not eating or loading food prior to their workouts. “You are going to embark on a fitness workout for an hour or two and you are not equipped with the right fuel to boost your energy. Eat and workout out after two hours when the food has been transformed into fuel to support your body” said Elizabeth Din, fitness trainer.

You are the best doctor for yourself so learn to listen to what your body tells you. explained “No pain, no gain” was probably the worst fitness mantra ever created. While a workout can definitely be hard, it should never veer into pain. If you feel pain of any sort, including a cramp or a sudden tweak, back off and give it a rest. You can lower your weights or move to another muscle group until your body is better equipped to handle the stress. Moreover, if you are sick with a cold or flu, don’t place additional stress on your body. Exercise, by its very nature, triggers an immune response as your muscles are taxed by exercise. If your immune system is low, you’ll likely make yourself sicker by working out. In the end, overtraining can be just as harmful to your body as not training enough. Treat your body kindly, and let it rest when it needs to.

Fitness buff Ahsan recalled that he have had series of injuries in the past due to wrong execution and handling of machine during workout. “I had to go and see a doctor for treatment and went on rehabilitation of the injured area. It was tough as each movement was accompanied with pain”. Training errors happens when you exert too much load of activity in short period of time, going fast, engaged in workouts too long and with one wrong move can cause a week or month recovery. Mayo Clinic suggests “Don’t allow an overuse injury to prevent you from being physically active. By working with your doctor, listening to your body and pacing yourself, you can avoid this common setback and safely increase your activity level”.

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