The British newspaper “The Sun” expressed regret for publishing an article by journalist Jeremy Clarkson in which he harshly criticized Meghan Markle, announcing that the text had been withdrawn from its archives.

In an article in the newspaper, Clarkson expressed his “hatred” of Megan, saying that he dreams of the day “when she is forced to walk naked through the streets of every city in Britain while the crowds chant at her (what a shame!)”, reports a local Arabic daily.

The Sun withdrew the article on Monday from its website, at the request of its author, who indicated on Twitter that he had relied on a “idiotic quote from a scene in the Game of Thrones series.”

“I am terrified because I have caused so much harm and I will be more careful in the future,” he wrote.

“The writer’s’ opinions do not bind anyone but them, but we, as a publisher, realize that freedom of expression is associated with responsibility,” The Sun wrote on its website on Friday, adding, “We, in (The Sun), regret publishing this article and feel sincere regret.” (AFP)

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