Prince Harry and his wife, Megan, accused The Sun newspaper of carrying out a publicity stunt after it apologized for an article that sparked criticism because it included insults directed at the Duchess of Sussex.

In a scathing response, a spokesman for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, which is Harry and Megan’s official title, criticized The Sun’s failure to contact Megan to apologize directly to her, reports a local Arabic daily.

“The Sun’s failure to contact the Duchess of Sussex to apologize shows their intentions,” the spokesperson said. “It’s just a publicity stunt.”

“While the public fully deserves the newspaper’s remorse for its dangerous comments, we would not have faced such a situation if (The Sun) had not continued to exploit hatred, violence and misogyny,” he added.

He pointed out that the real apology will be through a shift in their coverage and the adoption of ethical standards with everyone.

The article, in which former “Top Gear” presenter Jeremy Clarkson expressed his “hatred” of Megan, sparked a wave of condemnation, and became the most complained-about article of the Independent Press Standards Organization in the United Kingdom.

The Sun withdrew the article from its website, at the request of its author, who indicated on Twitter that he based it on a goofy quote from a scene in the Game of Thrones series.

“The writer’s’ opinions do not bind anyone but them, but we, as a publisher, realize that freedom of expression is associated with responsibility,” The Sun wrote on its website on Friday, adding, “We, in (The Sun), regret publishing this article and feel sincere regret.”

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