By Ayşe Hilal Sayan Koytak
Ambassador Of The Republic Of Turkey In Kuwait
Special to The Times Kuwait

15 July 2021 marks the fifth anniversary of the coup attempt in Turkey. It was one of the most significant turning points in Turkey’s contemporary history. Five years ago, millions of Turkish citizens set aside their political, cultural and ethnic differences to form a united front against the plotters who tried to suspend our country’s constitution, shot at innocent civilians and bombed the parliament. Together, the people of Turkey refused to allow an armed group to rob them of democracy, liberty and their way of life.

July 15 was an attempt to invade our country, leaving no room for doubt. The use of terrorists in our own army for this has added a vile betrayal to the invasion attempt. The Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETÖ), led by Fetullah Gülen (a US-based Turkish national) was the main actor behind the failed coup.

The members of FETÖ, who shrouded themselves in the garb of a civic movement for decades, systematically infiltrated Turkey’s public institutions and rose through the ranks. On the night of July 15, the putschists killed 251 people and wounded more than 2,500.

On this exceptional day, we both experience the joy of our nation’s glorious victory and the sadness of our brothers and sisters we lost during the coup attempt.

Those who turned their weapons against innocent civilians on July 15 hit a brick wall made of a decade of progress in politics, economics, healthcare, justice, foreign policy and fundamental rights. This connection between the people and their government is the ultimate measure of our democracy’s resilience, and the strongest guarantee of its survival.

The night of July 15 was about one of the darkest in Turkish history but ended in one of its brightest dawns. Let me briefly explain why.

That night, the treacherous coup attempt was repelled by the honorable stance of our beloved nation and our heroic security forces, and with their unprecedented courage in the world. We have declared once again that we will never give up our independence.

This victory of democracy against the FETO treason gang and its supporters is the result of the faith in our nation’s hearts and the struggle it wages with its bare hands. The thwarting of the coup marked a turning point in the history of democracy; it will be a source of hope and inspiration for all peoples who live under dictators.

The Turkish state, on the other hand, has cleaned up these traitors, who have spread to its body like cancer cells, by working with the nation. The whole process has been conducted by strictly adhering to the principles of the rule of law, democracy, human rights and justice.

The tutelage regime that had attached itself to the country ended. The administrative system was changed into a presidential system in order to secure political stability and, civilian political power was subsequently consolidated.

The mindset of Turkish state institutions, especially in the field of security, has changed, and these institutions have been truly “nationalized.” Their capacity and capability to work in the interests of the nation increased.

Turkey has begun to face challenges and threats directed against its political independence and territorial integrity with greater success and is taking effective initiatives in its foreign policy. Turkey has minimized its dependency in terms of foreign policy and has strengthened its Ankara-centered foreign policy orientation.

In conclusion, the July 15 coup attempt was the edge of the cliff for the future of Turkey. Because of the measures taken in the wake of these events, Turkey has consolidated its political stability and strengthened its regional standing.

July 15, the “Day of Democracy and National Unity”, is a symbol for keeping our collective memory alive, strengthening our democracy, and remembering our martyrs and veterans against the coup attempt.

I believe that the “spirit of July 15” will never get old, and Turkey will continue on its path resolutely in line with its 2023 targets and 2053 and 2071 visions.

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