The Court of Cassation ordered the Ministry of Commerce and Industry and others to pay temporary compensation amounting to one million dinars, after the Ministry lost a case filed against it in 2012, according to an Arab daily. The case in question pertains to the appropriation and usage of a trademark and offering it for sale and trading by another party.

Sources revealed that the Ministry lost a ruling by the Court of Appeal in 2017 regarding a complaint submitted by a trademark owner indicating that said trademark registered with Al-Tijara was exploited by another party, although the Ministry won it by a first degree ruling.

It was also revealed that the Ministry did not respond to the summons made by the Department of Experts three times, and did not present its defense, resulting in the issuance of the expert’s report against the ministry. The Court of Cassation then upheld the appeal ruling with a temporary compensation ruling on the Ministry in the amount of one million dinars, which opened the door for the plaintiff to seek final compensation against the Ministry.

In this regard, the Ministry of Commerce will open an investigation to find out the procedural and legal shortcomings, to determine the cause of the shortcomings that led to the issuance of the ruling against it.

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