In Kuwait, the vaccination drive is gathering pace. I received the first shot of my COVID-19 vaccine in Kuwait on Feb 17, at Mishref Exhibition Hall. The arrangements were extraordinary. The area was guarded by police to direct the smooth flow of thousands of cars and a large crowd of people. 

On entrance to the reception hall, I was taken to another hall where there were several cabins with nurses in attendance. There is also a small waiting area for 3- people in front of the cabin. I reached the designated cabin by following the green line drawn on the floor.

Vaccination was a minute’s job done by the polite nurse who immediately informed me that I will get the second dose after three weeks and provided a card with details. 

I was directed to walk on a redline that led me to a waiting hall before the exit gate. On one side of the hall, water bottles in multiple refrigerators were available for the people waiting for their turn to be checked. 

I also sat and waited. I got a message about the date and time for the second dose from the Ministry of Health. The ministry also provided a link to contact for immediate attention, if I felt any problem post-vaccination. When my waiting time was over, I was checked at the exit counter and allowed to leave. 

Why am I narrating it may be a question in the mind of many of you? The simple reason is to share my experience with the COVID-19 vaccination. These days we are surrounded by information from so many sources, and sometimes it becomes difficult to separate truth from the myth. Many had expressed fears of getting sick after the vaccination. 

The fact is that COVID -19 vaccines do-not contain a live virus. Therefore, there is no chance of getting the disease from the vaccine. After vaccination, one may have mild swelling where one gets injected, or one may have a fever. That indicates our system is getting ready to develop the ability to fight the virus if we get infected. In medical terms, our body developed specific immune competence to fight the COVID-19 virus. 

Those who have still not registered, get registered and cooperate with the government to achieve 100 percent vaccination. The vaccination allows the nation to create a protective umbrella against the virus, which crippled normal life all over the country and the world for more than a year. 

Dr. Mirza Umair Beg,
KISR, Kuwait
Exclusive to The Times, Kuwait

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