Expatriates who were abroad and unable to return or renew their residence permits in time when Kuwait applied a ban on the entry of foreigners to the country due to the COVID-19 pandemic, are among the tens of thousands who have had their residence permit cancelled.

Records from the residency department of the Ministry of Interior (MoI) show that a total of 316,700 expatriates of various nationalities have forfeited their residence permit since the start of the pandemic.

Besides those who were unable to return to the country and renew their residence permits, other reasons for non-renewal include expatriates who left the country voluntarily after the completion of their work contract, or those who decided to settle in their respective countries, as well as those who were deported from Kuwait since the start of 2021 until the 15 of November.

Included in the list of those who forfeited their residence permits are people from different work categories, including holders of Article 18 visa for work in private sector), Article 17 for work in government sector), Article 22 for dependent visas, and Article 20 for domestic workers, as well as Article 24, for those who are self sponsored.

MoI sources confirmed that the residence affairs sector had been very accommodative in renewing work permits and had allowed the renewal of residence permits online after expiry, and also did not cancel the work permits of those who could not return after the maximum allowed period of six months to remain outside the country expired.

The source added that a significant number of residence permits expired because they failed to renew the validity of their passports. All those whose residence permits have been cancelled and still desire to return to Kuwait will now have to go through the same procedures as that followed by someone seeking a new residence permit.

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