In the history of each nation, great and important events take place that determine the future and the path of development for many years.
Independence of the state is one of the greatest historical events in the history of the Tajik people.
In honor of the 28th anniversary of this historic event, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan congratulated the people of Tajikistan and compatriots living abroad and wished every citizen of Tajikistan good health, prosperity, happiness and success.
Independence has allowed the Tajik people, who have experienced much in their history, to take the reins of state rule into their own hands and open a broad road to a peaceful, happy life and the creation of a democratic, legal, secular state.
Sovereignty gave a new spirit to the noble and hardworking people of Tajikistan and increased the level of self-awareness, patriotism and national pride of the country.
During independence, the Republic of Tajikistan overcame a crucial stage in achieving national peace and unity and took firm steps towards the implementation of great creative plans that have a direct connection with the fate of present and future generations.
Thanks to independence, peace, political stability and national unity, all the necessary prerequisites for the implementation of national strategic goals were created in the country.
And in a relatively short period of history, Tajikistan has implemented dozens of vital industrial, energy, and social projects and built thousands of kilometers of modern roads and tunnels that still serve the people of Tajikistan.
Despite the many problems of past years, including the global financial and economic crisis, Tajikistan was able to direct the country’s economy on the path of sustainable development.
As a result, over the past 15 years, the annual growth rate of gross domestic product averaged at least 7 percent.
The adoption of state symbols, such as a flag, anthem and coat of arms, the introduction of a national currency, the creation of conditions for the development of the national language, culture, traditions were achieved thanks to independence, peace and stability, and national unity.
The fateful document, the Constitution, adopted through a popular referendum and laying the foundations for building a modern democratic, legal, secular and social state of Tajikistan, is also the fruit of state independence.
For 28 years, the Republic of Tajikistan has been giving priority to the formation of a national worldview, to educating the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism, self-knowledge, and today we are confident that love for Tajikistan played a positive role in their hearts.
Now the people of Tajikistan can proudly declare that the achievements of state independence are unique.
Independence, freedom, lasting peace and stability paved the way for fundamental social and political changes.
National independence as a unifying factor of the people of Tajikistan has historically made it possible to lay the foundations for the formation of civil society in the country on the basis of universally recognized values.
Choosing the right path for further progress allowed Tajikistan to consistently develop its relations with the international community and take its rightful place among the civilized countries of the world.
Today, Tajikistan maintains diplomatic relations with more than 170 countries, strengthens and consistently develops friendly and mutually beneficial relations with them.
Tajikistan, as a full member of the international community and dozens of international and regional organizations, makes a significant contribution to solving pressing problems and issues.
In a short time, four global water initiatives in Tajikistan were adopted at the United Nations level, which testifies to the country’s high international authority and recognition of its role in promoting global water issues.
Attracting more international attention to finding effective ways to counter contemporary threats and challenges such as terrorism, extremism, drug trafficking and transnational organized crime is another area of consistent efforts by the Government of Tajikistan in the international arena.
In addition to the three strategic goals of ensuring sustainable economic growth in the country, the Government announced the fourth national goal of rapid industrialization of the country.
On 9 September, 2019 the second power unit of the largest Rogun Hydroelectric Power Station, was commissioned.
The launch of the second unit of the Rogun hydroelectric station is a great achievement for the people of Tajikistan this year, as it marks the 28th anniversary of the Republic of Tajikistan.
Tajikistan will make every possible effort to strengthen the foundations of its new statehood, peace, stability and national unity and will take even greater steps to achieve success and strengthen the country’s image in the international arena.