In the history of each nation, great and important events take place that determine the future and the path of development for many years. In this regard, Tajikistan marked its 29th anniversary of Independence on 9 September .

State independence is one of the greatest historical events in the history of the people of Tajikistan. Looking back into history, we note that throughout the 20th century, Tajik people acquired their sovereignty, and subsequently independence, in three stages.

The first stage was in 1924, when national-territorial delimitation of Central Asia in 1924, radically redrew the map of Central Asia. The second stage began on 16 October, 1929, with the Declaration on the need for the formation of the Tajik SSR within the Soviet Union being adopted. On February 24, 1931, at the Fourth Congress of the Soviets of Tajikistan, the first Constitution of Tajikistan was adopted.

The third stage was the acquisition of the sovereignty of Tajikistan. On 9 September, 1991, at the session of Shuroi Oli (Supreme Council), a Resolution and a Statement ‘On the State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan’ were adopted. The achievement of state independence thus became an important historical event for the Tajik people.

The beginning of the modern stage in the history of Tajikistan is associated with the process in the collapse of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR), and the disruption of the balance of forces that developed in the Republic during the Soviet era.

On 24 August, 1990, in the midst of political confrontations, at the second meeting of the Supreme Council of the Republic of the 12th convocation, the Declaration on the Sovereignty of the Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic was adopted.

On 9 September, 1991, the Supreme Council of Tajikistan at an extraordinary session proclaimed the state independence of the Republic of Tajikistan. The Declaration of State Independence reads: “Taking into account the revolutionary transformations in the USSR and respecting the aspiration of the sovereign republics included in it to build relations between themselves in a new way, … in accordance with the Declaration on the Sovereignty of the Republic of Tajikistan adopted on 24 August, 1990. The Supreme Soviet proclaims the state independence of the Republic of Tajikistan “.

Even before the declaration of independence, a civil war broke out in the country between representatives of various regions and clans. The final peace agreement between representatives of the warring parties was signed only in 1997.

Thanks to the President’s efforts, the senseless fratricidal war was stopped; the separation of the Tajik people along ethnic lines was halted; refugees returned to their historical places of residence; the constitutional bodies of power were restored; the collapse of the Tajik state was stopped; and the territorial integrity of the country was preserved.

The achievement of the state independence of the Republic has become an important historical event for the Tajik people. During independence, the Republic of Tajikistan overcame a crucial stage in achieving national peace and unity and took firm steps towards the implementation of great creative plans that have a direct connection with the fate of present and future generations.

The adoption of state symbols, such as a flag, anthem and coat of arms, the introduction of a national currency, the creation of conditions for the development of the national language, culture, traditions were achieved thanks to independence, peace and stability, and national unity.

The historic document, the Constitution, adopted through a popular referendum and which laid the foundations for building a modern democratic, legal, secular and social state of Tajikistan, is also the fruit of state independence.

Sovereignty gave a new spirit to the noble and hardworking people of Tajikistan and increased the level of self-awareness, patriotism and national pride of the country. And, in a relatively short period of history, Tajikistan has implemented dozens of vital industrial, energy, and social projects and built thousands of kilometers of modern roads and tunnels that still serve the people of Tajikistan.

Despite the many problems of past years, including the global financial and economic crisis, Tajikistan was able to direct the country’s economy on the path of sustainable development.

For 29 years, the Republic of Tajikistan has been giving priority to the formation of a national worldview, to educating the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism, self-knowledge, and today we are confident that love for Tajikistan plays a positive role in their hearts.

The people of Tajikistan can now proudly declare that the achievements of state independence are unique. Independence, freedom, lasting peace and stability paved the way for fundamental social and political changes.

National independence as a unifying factor of the people of Tajikistan has historically made it possible to lay the foundations for the formation of civil society in the country on the basis of universally recognized values. Thanks to independence, peace, stability, political stability and national unity, all the necessary prerequisites for the implementation of national strategic goals were created in the country. Choosing the right path for further progress allowed Tajikistan to consistently develop its relations with the international community and take its rightful place among the civilized countries of the world.

Today, Tajikistan maintains diplomatic relations with more than 170 countries, strengthens and consistently develops friendly and mutually beneficial relations with them.

Tajikistan, as a full member of the international community and dozens of international and regional organizations, makes a significant contribution to solving pressing global problems and issues.

In a short time, four global water initiatives in Tajikistan were adopted at the United Nations level, which testifies to the country’s high international authority and recognition of its role in promoting global water issues.

The past years have been marked by the launch of the first and second turbines of the Rogun HPP, which was a very important event as its construction took place in difficult political and economic contradictions.

In Tajikistan, work has been carried out, and continues to be carried out, to improve the transport infrastructure in accordance with international standards: reconstruc

tion and construction of railways and highways, bridges, tunnels. This contributes to the transformation of Tajikistan into a transit region.

Tajikistan today conducts an independent domestic and foreign policy, protecting the national interests of the republic in the geopolitical arena. Attracting more international attention to finding effective ways to counter contemporary threats and challenges, such as terrorism, extremism, drug trafficking and transnational organized crime, is one of the areas of ​​consistent efforts by the Government of Tajikistan in the international arena.

Tajikistan will make every possible effort to strengthen the foundations of its new statehood, peace, stability and national unity and will take even greater steps to achieve success and strengthen the country’s image in the international arena.


Dr. Zubaidullah Zavidov
Ambassador of Tajikistan to Kuwait

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