The Civil Associations Department at the Ministry of Social Affairs is studying the launch the ‘electronic publicity’ service through the Ministry’s website and the automated complaints through the “Sahel” application.

This will be done in coordination with Public Anti-Corruption Authority ‘Nazaha’ to train employees to detect corruption in cooperatives with the help of electronic advertising as a continuation of the ministry’s policy aimed at expanding the use of automated systems, which limit human intervention as much as possible, by activating electronic linkage.

Al-Jarida learned that the Ministry is currently studying the launch of some of its services automatically in order to facilitate public benefit associations and to shorten the time and effort expended in order to complete their transactions, explaining that among these services is “electronic publicity” through the Ministry’s website with prior coordination and the concerned departments, including the Computer and Legal Affairs Departments as well as the electronic complaints service through the “Sahel” application.

Meanwhile, in light of the circular issued recently by the Ministry of Social Affairs, at the request of the Ministry of Interior, to postpone the holding of ‘general assembly meetings’ and elections for the boards of directors of cooperative societies whose legal term has expired, until next June 16, that is, after the end of the National Assembly 2023 elections, sources said Membership Affairs and Publication of Cooperative Societies and Unions Department at the ministry is in the process of issuing decisions to appoint members (one or more) on the cooperative management boards, whose term of office will end during the aforementioned period, in order to avoid losing the quorum and disrupting the work of the cooperatives.

The sources indicated that there are 4 boards of directors whose legal term will expire soon out and elections to fill the vacant positions were scheduled to be held during the next two months, stressing that it is out of keenness to run the affairs of these coops and not be affected by the loss of a quorum for their boards of directors, which will negatively affect the buying and selling movement.

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