The Ministry of Social Affairs is in the process of cancelling or postponing some of the automated projects included in its future development plan, claiming there is no urgent need to implement them at the present time — such as artificial intelligence and a dashboard project to help decision makers.

Al-Jarida has quoting reliable sources indicated the planning and administrative development sector in the ministry is studying the two projects from all sides to determine the feasibility of implementing them before taking a decision, whether to postpone them to the next plan or cancel them altogether out of concern for public money and stop the unjustified waste, which may affect its projects in general and the computer-related projects in particular.

The sources indicated 3 projects are included in the ministry’s plan — the electronic cloud (icloud), artificial intelligence and the dashboard to help decision makers — stressing that it is in the interest of implementing the directives and instructions of the Council of Ministers aimed at expanding the use of automated systems, and digital transformation to achieve the requirements of the current stage and the Ministry is striving to implement the first icloud project.

The sources stressed the aim of the project is to save a lot of money for the State Treasury, shorten the time and effort, monitor and provide data between all ministries, government agencies and institutions, and for this reason a committee has been formed of technicians from the computer department to review all private contracts.

Moreover, the sources affirmed the keenness of the ministry to implement cyber security systems for the exchange of data between government agencies, in order to preserve the confidentiality of information and ensure that precautionary measures are taken before any cyber attack occurs, and to enhance means of protection for its systems, pointing out that the ministry periodically updates its data and communicates with relevant companies to sign contracts to increase the confidentiality of data and information, ensure its protection and repel any attempts to penetrate it.

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