The Ministry of Social Affairs announced that the field inspection teams in charge of monitoring charity work and fundraising carried out hundreds of field visits to mosques and headquarters of charity societies to monitor and follow up violations during the first ten days of Ramadan, and said they came across several violations.

The statistics issued by the ministry show the teams carried out 692 field visits to mosques and 40 visits to the headquarters of charity societies, ran a check on 70 booths for collecting clothes and removed 35 of them, reports Al-Rai daily.

The sources added that the ministry also visited 70 restaurants which were collecting donations in the name of supporting fasting meals through social media, and the Ministry of Commerce and Industry was informed in this regard. The ministry also 54 advertisements placed by charity societies, foundations and other parties that that did not conform to the law.

The ministry indicated the mosques committed 30 violations in the form of advertisements fir collect donations for breakfast means.

The sources indicated 3 funds for collecting donations in mosques were monitored in violation of the money-collecting law and the Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs was informed. It also cited 14 violations of people and entities calling for fundraising through advertisements on social media, and the Public Prosecution was addressed in this regard.

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