The owners of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) renewed their demand from the government to expedite the reopening of their businesses, stressing that they had suffered heavy losses due to the closure, Al Qabas reported.

During the press conference hosted by the Bar Association, the participants confirmed that about 15 thousand employers are about to stop their business, which threatens to end the employment of 56 thousand people. Participants in the conference stated that the owners of 100 nurseries have already left their business after they accumulated debts, while 75 percent of salon owners wish to leave their business and waive their licenses.

The head of the Salon Union, Tariq Asad, told the daily that no evidence suggests that closed businesses are the reason behind the spread of infection and the current rate of infection has increased despite the closure of these businesses.

He stated that the government was unable to manage the crisis for 12 months and did not provide any economic package or support, and left entrepreneurs to face their losses.

The representative of the tourism and travel sector, Mohamed Al-Mutairi, criticized the series of conflicting decisions issued by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation recently, noting that the lack of transparency in the methodology of government decisions confuses the general situation.

While the representative of the food supply sector, Salah Bouhsen, stressed the need to support this sector, indicating that the National Fund for Small Enterprise Development and Care and the Public Authority for Industry has not yet provided any support to SME owners despite the importance of the sector.

10 urgent demands emerged in the meeting

1 – Opening of the closed businesses

2 – Opening the airport

3 – Increasing the rate of vaccination

4- Allowing the vaccine recipients to enter the complexes after eight in the evening

5- Postponing entrepreneurs loans and canceling the work permit

6 – Opening theaters and cinemas

7 – Pay the salaries of Kuwaiti employees and residents whose businesses are closed

8- Exemption from rents

9 – Apply the law fairly to everyone

10 – Provide financial support

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