From left N S Das (who worked at Kuwait Times more than 40 years, Y S Alyan, Reaven D'Souza and former Indian ambassador to Kuwait H.E. M. Ganapathi

A milestone in independent journalism

By Reaven D’Souza
Managing Editor

Yousef Saleh Alyan or more well known as Abu Tareq was a man ahead of his times. The founder editor of the first English language paper in the region was a man defined by his simplicity and humility. The founding of Kuwait Times months after Kuwait became a fully independent nation was surely the foresight of a man who set the tone for the birth of independent journalism in the region.

On the 60th anniversary of Kuwait Times, we cannot but remember the founder who steered the paper from its inception into a well read and respected publication. Alyan was a soft spoken man with a very broad world outlook and rarely if ever lost his temper. However, behind the calm disposition was a man of steel and on many occasions he would stand his ground once a decision was taken.

Never a boss and always a friend to his employees Alyan ran the newspaper more like a family than a media business organization and would rarely interfere in the functioning of the paper.  A courteous kind hearted man he would win people over with his smile and politeness.

Alyan belonged to that generation of Kuwaitis who were in no hurry to make things happen and would prefer to wait and watch as things unfolded. A well travelled and respected journalist Alyan upheld all the tenets of journalism during his more than 45 years as the editor-in-chief.

Much of the success and continuity of Kuwait Times over the years could be attributed to Alyan’s easy go attitude, his affability, and the live and let live philosophy that would have even his worst detractors at odds.

The 60 year ride was never an easy one but nevertheless looking back it has been an outstanding achievement, and just as it is a time to cherish and celebrate this success one must reflect on the lost chances and missed opportunities.

The advent of social media has brought many challenges and now more than ever, Kuwait seeks independent, objective and unbiased reporting from the press. With the intense speed at which information travels and the proliferation of misinformation, people and organizations need a source they can rely on for the unfiltered truth. In the past, Kuwait Times provided that source; we wish that they adapt and evolve and rise up in these challenging times and be the beacon as they were in the past.

We salute all the journalists and members of the staff who worked with Kuwait Times during these past 60 years. We applaud their immense contribution to the fourth pillar of democracy.

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