Al-Qabas sources reported that the officer mentioned in his complaint that he was detained for a day and a half in an air-conditioned room where there was not a single chair and as a result he had to sleep on the floor in very cold atmosphere.

The officer said he was also insulted and verbally abused during interrogation.The sources confirmed to Al-Qabas that the Public Prosecution has requested to unload the cameras in the State Security, in terns if charges mentioned in the officer’s complaint.

On the other hand, MP Abdul Karim Al-Kandari in his tweet to the Minister of Interior, said, “Brother, the new Minister of Interior, there is a citizen who was subjected to torture in State Security, and there is a statement from the President of the National Office for Human Rights to monitor crimes of torture in the police stations and you swore a while ago it is your responsibility to “defend the freedoms of the people.”

The head of the National Bureau of Human Rights, Ambassador Jassem Al-Mubaraki, told Al-Qabas in last Tuesday’s issue, that he had received complaints about cases of torture in some police stations, stressing that these actions, if true, would offend Kuwait’s reputation and require a decisive stance from the Minister of Interior.

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