The year-end holidays are a time of joyful excitement, of fun-filled family gatherings, feastings, and in general a time of relaxation and unwinding. However, for some people this period can be quite stressful. Individuals that are under constant pressure at work, or from home and family demands, may not enjoy the holiday break and could find themselves in what feels like a relentless cycle of stress and tension.

A new study on psychological behavior has found what could be a simple solution to the constant feeling of stress — self-gifting. The study found that when stressed and tensed people treated themselves with a small gift or indulgence, they were more relaxed, happier, and felt less crunched for time. However, the study also found that when people are tense, they are less likely to self-gift or treat themselves, believing they are too stressed to enjoy the benefits of the gift.

The key to getting out of the cycle of stress and tension, according to the research, is for individuals to recognize that it is precisely during stressful time periods that they need to take solace in treating themselves.

The psychotherapists behind the study conducted in Ontario, Canada say that people feeling burnt out and having difficulty making it through each day due to stress and tension, often find it difficult to create space for self-gifting. But when they do recognize their own self worth, and learn to reward themselves just for who they are as a human being, they tend to feel less burnt out and more productive.

Encouraging people under stress to do something for themselves, is probably the best present you can give to someone who feels pressured by work or homelife.
Taking a moment for yourself can increase happiness and productivity

The oft-quoted saying that ‘Time is our most valuable asset’, is quite true. But for many people under stress, knowing that once time is gone and that you can never bring it could by itself be a trigger for added pressure, as most of us wish for more time, more money, and an abundance of energy. The study found that time, money, and mental health pressures were the main factors preventing people from self-gifting.

When the researchers showed participants fictional ads of services or products with self-care or self-gifting taglines, it was participants who were stressed, short on time or lacking funds who showed the least interest in the services and products. Those participants cited the inability to enjoy the experience of self-gifting due to busy schedules, tight budgets, or long to-do lists.

Researchers hypothesized this thinking was counterproductive and followed up the studies by analyzing the effects of self-gifting activities on those participants. The overall effect in choosing self-gifting was less stress, increased happiness and relaxation, and a feeling of being less squeezed for time. Simply acting on the decision to do something for yourself creates a rush of dopamine, which is a chemical released in the brain that makes you feel good.

Though it may appear counterintuitive, results from the study concluded that the best and most beneficial time for self-gifting is when you are most stressed or under pressure. The study found that how we feel about doing something when we are highly stressed is very different from how we feel about the same thing when on vacation or feeling more relaxed. Pushing through resistance to do something we know will eventually benefit us is what makes self-gifting successful, said the researchers.

Anecdotal evidence shows that you can choose self-gifting by simple actions, such as clicking ‘purchase’ on an online site for ordering something you wanted, which creates a shift in mindset. It happens even before receiving the purchased item. You feel good for simply having made the decision. However, self-gifting does not have to require spending money on yourself, as many people under stress could consider spending money on themselves even more stressful.

Self-gifting can be as simple as taking a short break at work, arranging a time to go out for a walk, or taking the time to be by yourself at home.The possibilities for self-gifting are endless. Taking walks, stretching, taking 10 minutes to sit and enjoy your favorite book, or chatting with a friend may be just the break you need.

Other forms of self-gifting can include: listening to music or a podcast,downloading a free meditation app, enjoying a favorite meal or snack, watching a favorite TV show, the possibilities are endless. So, go ahead and treat yourself this holiday season.

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