Concrete barriers were set up to block the entry and exit points of the new quarantine areas which include Hawally, Khaitan, Farawaniya and Maidan Hawally this morning to enforce the decision to quarantine certain areas starting Sunday due to rise of coronavirus cases.  The security monitored the entrances and exits of the areas, and intensified inspections of food trucks, refrigerators, and transport trucks. They are forbidding workers with no exit permits from moving out of those areas.

Concrete barriers placed in Hawally area cut off access to the Fourth Ring Road, Fahaheel Road, the Maghreb Highway, the Third Ring Road, and the Cairo Road. Entrances and exits were also closed from Ghazali Road, the Sixth Ring Road, Airport Road and Jordan Street in the Farwaniya area, while in Khaitan, work was ongoing to set up barriers on the entrances of the airport road and King Faisal Road.

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